Dallas: What's your name?
Jasmine: Jasmine.
Dallas: [Extends hand for handshake, but Jasmine is frozen] Don't be rude.
Jasmine: [Shakes Dallas' hand] What's your name?
Dallas: Dallas. Named after the American television show my parents fell in love with in Sweden.
Jasmine: Did you grow up in Sweden?
Dallas: What gave me away? Am I talking funny?
Jasmine: No, you're talking fine. I'm curious...
Dallas: ...about?
Jasmine: Why do women love roofers?
Dallas: You'll have to go out with me if you want to find out.
Dallas: Why do women love roofers?
Jasmine: No idea.
Dallas: Because they strip 'em and nail 'em all day long.
Jasmine: Sounds exhausting.
Dallas: I'll be on the same street tomorrow if you want a demonstration.
Jasmine: She kissed me!
Claire: What did you do?
Jasmine: I kissed her back!
Claire: What?
Jasmine: I feel sick... I feel really weird...
Claire: Because you like her?
Jasmine: Because I'm engaged!
Dallas: I bought a few new things...
Quinn: I like to boil and recycle.
Dallas: I'm starting over.
Jasmine: You're persistent. Look at you, pushing...
Dallas: I gave myself a hernia. My mom told me if I acted more like a girl, I wouldn't get hurt all the time.
Jasmine: Did you want to be a boy?
Dallas: I just wanted her to let me be.
Dallas: Tomboy... I don't like that name. I didn't like being called that when I was a kid. I couldn't hide it, but I just didn't like being called out on it. Besides, I'm not a tomboy. I'm more legit than that.
Jasmine: Ok, "legit tomboy"... Kiss me.
Dallas: I don't tell my coming out story.
Dallas: I'm memorizing every part of you.
[last lines]
Dallas: How was your day?
Jasmine: I told some of my friends at work about you.
Dallas: What did you tell them?
Jasmine: Everything.
Below Her Mouth Quotes
Extended Reading