Avenant: Belle, you weren't made to be a servant. Even the floor longs to be your mirror! You mustn't go on slaving day and night for your sisters.
Belle: If our father's ships hadn't been lost in the storm, then perhaps I could enjoy myself like them. But we're ruined, Avenant, and I must work.
Avenant: Why don't your sisters work?
Belle: My sisters are too beautiful. Their hands are too white.
Avenant: Belle, you are the most beautiful of all! Look at your hands.
Belle: Avenant, let go of my hand. Please go. I must finish my work.
Avenant: I love you. Marry me.
Belle: No, Avenant, you mustn't speak of that again. It's no use.
Avenant: You don't like me.
Belle: It's not that, Avenant.
Avenant: Well, then?
Belle: I must remain a maid and stay with father.
Avenant: I'll carry you away from this stupid life!
Belle: Let me go!
Ludovic: Get your hands off her! You want a black eye?
Belle: It's all right, Ludovic. He was asking me to marry him.
Ludovic: What did you say?
Avenant: Your sister doesn't want me!
Ludovic: Bravo, Belle. I'm a scoundrel, and proud of it, but I won't stand to see you marry one.
Ludovic: [to Avenant] Consider yourself warned. Now clear out, you hoodlum!
[Avenant punches Ludovic in the face]
Ludovic: May the devil himself splatter you with dung.
La Bête: So, my dear sir, you steal my roses. You steal my roses, the things I love most in all the world. Your luck has gone from bad to worse. You could have taken anything except my roses. The punishment for this simple theft is death!
Belle's Father: Sir, I didn't know. I meant no harm. My daughter asked me to bring her a rose.
La Bête: Don't address me as "sir." I'm called the Beast! I don't like compliments. Don't try to understand. You have fifteen minutes to prepare to die!
Belle's Father: Sir...
La Bête: Again! The Beast orders you to be silent. You stole a rose, so you must die. Unless one of your daughters... how many do you have?
Belle's Father: Three.
La Bête: Unless one of your daughters agrees to pay your debt and take your place.
Belle's Father: But...
La Bête: Don't argue! Be off! Make the most of the chance I have offered you. And should your daughters refuse to die in your place, swear to return in three days. Swear it!
Belle's Father: I swear. But how will I find my way home? I got lost in the forest.
La Bête: You'll find a white horse in my stables. His name is Magnificent. Whisper in his ear, "go where I am going, Magnificent. Go, go, go!" He'll take you home and bring you back to my castle, should your daughters prove too cowardly to ride him in your place. Go now!
La Bête: Belle, you mustn't look into my eyes. You needn't fear. You will never see me, except each evening at 7:00, when you will dine, and I will come to the great hall. And never look into my eyes.
Opening Title: Children believe what we tell them. They have complete faith in us. They believe that a rose plucked from a garden can plunge a family into conflict. They believe that the hands of a human beast will smoke when he slays a victim, and that this will cause the beast shame when a young maiden takes up residence in his home. They believe a thousand other simple things. I ask of you a little of this childlike simplicity, and, to bring us luck, let me speak four truly magic words, childhood's "Open Sesame": "Once upon a time..." Jean Cocteau
Adélaïde: Belle? Always Belle. The hell with her!
Félicie: I want the whole town to die of envy! A monkey! I'd like a monkey.
Belle: You are the master.
La Bête: No. There is no master here but you.
La Bête: I have a good heart, but I am a monster.
Belle: There are men far more monstrous than you, though they conceal it well.
La Bête: Besides being hideous, I'm not quick-witted.
Belle: You're quick enough to recognize it.
Belle: What's the matter?
La Bête: I'm thirsty, Belle.
Belle: Drink from my hands.
La Bête: It doesn't repulse you to let me drink from your hands?
Belle: No, Beast. I like it. I'd never want to cause you the slightest harm.
La Bête: But still - you dream of being far away from me.
Belle: What are you doing at my door at this hour? God, you're covered with blood!
La Bête: Forgive me.
Belle: What should I forgive you for?
La Bête: For being a beast. Forgive me.
Belle: The Beast let me come to see you.
Belle's Father: Then that monster has a soul?
Belle: He suffers, Father. One half of him is in constant struggle with the other half. He's more cruel to himself than he is to human beings.
Belle's Father: Belle, I saw him. That face is hideous.
Belle: At first I was indeed afraid, Father. Now, I sometimes feel like bursting out laughing. But, then I look into his eyes and they're so sad, that I have to turn away from crying.
Belle's Father: You manage to feel sorry for him?
Belle: I bear his presence, because I'd be happy if I could make him forget his ugliness.
Belle's Father: Your goodness will cost you dearly, my Belle.
Belle: Father, that monster is good.
Félicie: I'd rather sleep in sheets than hang them up. Look at my hands!
Ludovic: Appalling!
Adélaïde: Look at mine! Reduced to being a cook!
Ludovic: My dear princesses, when you're poor, you work!
Belle: He's entrusted me with the key to his treasure. He has complete confidence in me. *I'd* be the monster if I were not to return.
Ludovic: Does he crawl on four legs? What does he eat and drink?
Belle: I've given him water to drink on occasion. He would never eat me.
Félicie: That little fool is happier than we are. She's rich! There are a lot of other husbands with beards and horns.
Adélaïde: She's so proud she could burst.
Félicie: Don't worry. I've got a good head on these shoulders. We'll be very friendly and let the boys worm the information out of her.
Belle: Don't tempt me.
Adélaïde: Let's go and wash. You stink!
Félicie: Didn't you find out her secret?
Avenant: She only says what the Beast allows her to. We know all the other details, but she wouldn't tell us that.
Félicie: I'll get it out of her. I'll torture her!
Félicie: The Church Tribunal will be quite interested in the display of witchcraft we just witnessed.
Belle: The key! The key. Where's the key?
Belle: My Beast! My Beast! My Beast. My Beast! My Beast! My Beast! Answer me, my Beast! Answer me, my Beast! My Beast. My Beast! My Beast! Oh, my Beast! Forgive me. Answer me, my Beast Look at me. Your glove will revive you. Help me. I am the monster, my Beast.
Belle: Can such miracles really happen?
La Bête: You and I are living proof.
La Bête: Love can turn a man into a beast. But love can also make an ugly man handsome.
La Bête: You're a strange girl, Belle. A strange girl.
Belle: At your service.
Belle: Are you happy?
La Bête: I'll have to get used to it.
La Bête: You won't be frightened?
Belle: I don't mind being frightened - with you.
Beauty and the Beast Quotes
Eli 2022-03-21 09:02:46
Fairy tales have already told everyone that this is a face-seeing world / The slow-motion special effects are beautiful and very romantic / The sense of space in the long-shot is quite good, and the editing and splicing are much more rounded / No experimental art at all This time it is a tradition The Fantastic Story Trick
Zelda 2022-03-26 09:01:10
Full of Rococo splendor and beauty. This fairy tale and Grimm's fairy tales must have some kind of inherited marriage. I don't know if there is a "Grimm's Fairy Tales" to do a genealogy study on this tradition. Folk legends have obvious influence and inspiration on the development and evolution of literature. , Green and Andersen's relationship is also evident. So, a lot of times, we just tell the same story in different ways, and that's what the classics are about.