Title Card: The spirit of revolution soared over the Russian land. A tremendous, mysterious process was taking place in countless hearts. The individual personality, having hardly had time to become conscious of itself, dissolved in the mass, and the mass itself became dissolved in the revolutionary élan.
Grigory Vakulinchuk: We, the sailors of 'Potemkin,' must support the workers, our brothers, and stand among the front lines of the revolution!
Grigory Vakulinchuk: Comrades! The time has come when we too must speak out. Why wait? All of Russia has risen! Are we to be the last?
Grigory Vakulinchuk: We've had enough rotten meat! Even a dog wouldn't eat this! It could crawl overboard on its own!
Smirov, the ship doctor: These aren't worms. They are dead fly larvae. You can wash them off with brine!
Grigory Vakulinchuk: Russian prisoners in Japan are fed better than we are! We've had enough rotten meat!
Smirov, the ship doctor: It's good meat. End of discussion!
Chief Officer Giliarovsky: The sailors refused to eat the borscht.
Commander Golikov: Whoever is satisfied with the borscht take two steps forward!
Matyushenko: To the turret... Guys! It's time!
Commander Golikov: Back, scoundrels! That way is not for you! I'll shoot you all like dogs!
Chief Officer Giliarovsky: Shoot! - - Everyone shoot! - - Shoot, scum!
Grigory Vakulinchuk: To the rifles, brothers! Smash the dragons! Smash 'em! Smash 'em all!
Russian Orthodox Priest: Have fear of God.
Grigory Vakulinchuk: Beat it, sorcerer!
Student Agitator: Citizens of Odessa! Lying before you is the body of the brutally killed sailor Grigoriy Vakulinchuk, slain by a senior officer of the squadron battleship 'Prince Tavrichesky.' Let's take revenge on the bloodthirsty vampires! Death to the oppressors!
Citizens of Odessa: Down with tyranny!
Woman Protestor: Mothers and brothers! Let there not be differences or hostility among us!
Sailor: Shoulder to shoulder. The land is ours. Tomorrow is ours.
Odessa Citizen: The enemy must be dealt a decisive blow! Together with the rebelling workers from all of Russia - WE WILL WIN!
Citizens of Odessa: COSSACKS!
Militant Sailor: The people of Odessa are waiting for the liberators! Land the troops and the army will join you.
Sailors: BROTHERS!
Title Card: Above the heads of the tsar's admirals thundered a brotherly hurrah. And proudly waving the red flag of victory, without a single shot, the rebellious battleship passed through the rows of the squadron.
Old Man: Dear lord! Make the disobedient see reason!
Battleship Potemkin Quotes
Extended Reading
Director: Sergei M. Eisenstein
Language: None,Russian Release date: December 24, 1925