Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One Quotes

  • Harvey Dent: I can't really be a lawyer AND a criminal, can I? I want to win, but do I want to win like this? I'm of two minds here.

    Batman: So it's a coin flip.

  • Joker: There's only room for ONE homicidial maniac in this town!

  • Calendar Man: A killer who only works on holidays... There's lots of crazy out there.

  • Batman: Why are you running?

    Catwoman: You could use a little fun.

  • Bruce Wayne: The city has fallen, Alfred.

    Alfred Pennyworth: Then we must endeavor to lift it up again.

  • Batman: What are you trying to prove with this stunt, Joker?

    Joker: Prove? Stunt? Joker? No, wait. That one's right.