Barnyard Quotes

  • Pip the Mouse: I got a pulse. Wheeee!

  • Ben the Cow: Otis, a strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others.

  • Dag the Coyote: See ya around. Get it? "Round"? You're fat.

  • Pizza Delivery Guy: Dude, I got a ARM!

    Pizza Delivery Guy: Yah, Righteous!. Doodley Doodley Doo Doo!

  • Mrs. Beady: Randall, There is a cow outside.

    Mr. Beady: This is a cow farm. You're gonna find cows outside.

  • Otis the Cow: That's called boy tipping... HA..HA..HA..

  • Mrs. Beady: Nathan Randall the third, I am not crazy, I am medicated for a chemical imbalance, don't you sit there and think that I am crazy.

  • Ben the Cow: Grey market goods. As if I needed to say it again, the purchase of human articles from the gopher underground is strictly prohibited.

    Otis the Cow: [Otis cellphone] HELLO MOTO!

    [start to play the Motorola tune, Otis coyly answers]

    Gopher: Hey, Otis!


    Gopher: Listen, I think your Nikes are...

    Otis the Cow: [whispering] Yeah, this, really isn't the best time...

  • Daisy the Cow: [feels her stomach] Oh, my... I think, the baby's coming!

    Otis the Cow: WHAT?

    Daisy the Cow: [giggles] I made you jump.

    Otis the Cow: Oh, thank you. Very much. I swallowed my cud!

    Daisy the Cow: [laughs, then looks up at the stars] It's so... beautiful...

    Otis the Cow: My cud?

  • Pig the Pig: [watching Daisy giving birth] Man, that looks like it hurts.

    Duke the Dog: Oh, that's very profound, 'Insight Man'.

    Pig the Pig: Well excuse me for being a pig!

  • Otis the Cow: [Miles has kicked the farmer unconscious a third time] WILL YOU... STOP... DOING... THAT?

    Miles the Mule: Well, unless you get him a blindfold, I'm gonna kick him!

  • Freddy the Ferret: [the unconscious farmer has discovered the animals] He knows too much! We gotta take care of him. We gotta whack him!

    Otis the Cow: There will be NO WHACKING! Okay? The farmer's a good guy! He's been good to us.

    Miles the Mule: He's a vegan! God bless him.

    Pig the Pig: And, uh, what is a vegan again?

    Freddy the Ferret: Oh, I know this one...

    Pip the Mouse: Naw, I got it... it means you can't eat anything with a face.

    Peck the Rooster: No, no, that's a vegetarian.

    Pig the Pig: Vegetarians have to eat in the dark, right?

    Duke the Dog: That's a VAMPIRE. C'mon!

    Pip the Mouse: You can't eat cheese?

    Bessy the Cow: It's not just cheese, vegans can't have ANY dairy products.

    Peck the Rooster: Cake?

    Pig the Pig: Cake has egg products...

    Pip the Mouse: But you can't have any dairy!

    Freddy the Ferret: No dairy? But I LOVE dairy! Does that mean I can't be a vegan?

    Pig the Pig: I love the smell of bacon! There, I said it.

    [the animals all gasp as the farmer awakens and reacts. Miles kicks him in the head a second time]

    Otis the Cow: WOULD YOU NOT DO THAT?

    Miles the Mule: It's not like we have a lot of options.

  • Barn Boys: Now, every heifer, every cow, hold tight to your udders now/Farmer Brown is beddin' down, let's turn this barn to Funkytown/Chickens on the left, dance with your neighbor, Hogs, don't slobber on the pool table/Try to go easy on the manure, it's a dance floor, not a sewer

  • Eddy the Cow: [Otis and the Jersey cows are running from the cops] Two all-beef patties! That's our future!

  • Ben the Cow: Put the hen down, Dag.

  • Dag the Coyote: I love chicken. My favorite part is the skin.

  • Dag the Coyote: [after taking down Otis] Well, look at the hero! You thought you could come into my den! Now, why don't you lay there and watch while we eat your friends.

    [laughs evilly]

  • Mrs. Beady: [Sees her car on the news] It's our car! There was a huff. There's a cow in our car that is a hoof!

    [Dials 911]

    Mrs. Beady: Yes, this is Nora Beady. What do you mean what now? My car is on TV and I think there's a cow in it, and I saw a cow outside my window. I think they may be linked.