Balkan Spy Quotes

  • Ilija Cvorovic: Fuck the sun that shines on you!

  • Ilija Cvorovic: [shouting into phone] The phone central does make a mistake once, but not a hundred times! Listen, mate, you may have gotten the wrong number, but you got who you were looking for!"

  • Ilija Cvorovic: Listen you, Stalin was killing you, but he was not killing you enough!

  • Danica Cvorovic: People don't have two tooth in their heads but there's no job for a dentist!.. as long as there are jobs for 100 000 politicians!

    Ilija Cvorovic: What are you talking about?

    Danica Cvorovic: Do you think their kids are waiting in line for jobs? They first secure them jobs and then they give birth to them!

Balkan Spy


Language: Serbo-Croatian Release date: October 8, 1987