Back to the Future Quotes

  • George McFly: Lorraine. My density has brought me to you.

    Lorraine Baines: What?

    George McFly: Oh. What I meant to say was...

    Lorraine Baines: Wait a minute. Don't I know you from somewhere?

    George McFly: Yes. Yes. I'm George. George McFly. I'm your density. I mean, your destiny.

  • George McFly: Last night, Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out, that he'd melt my brain.

  • Marty McFly: [23:01] Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some *style?*

  • [1955 Doc is watching a video of 1985 Doc]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: What on Earth is this thing I'm wearing?

    Marty McFly: Ah, this, this is a radiation suit.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Radiation suit? Of course. 'Cause of all the fallout from the atomic wars.

  • [in the past, Marty observes his dad's incompetence]

    Marty McFly: Jesus, George, it was a wonder I was even born.

  • Mr. Strickland: I noticed your band is on the roster for the dance auditions after school today. Why even bother, McFly? You don't have a chance. You're too much like your old man. No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley!

    Marty McFly: Yeah, well, history is gonna change.

  • [repeated line also said by George]

    Marty McFly: If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.

  • Biff Tannen: Mr. McFly! Mr. McFly, this just arrived. Oh, hi, Marty. I think it's your new book.

    Lorraine Baines: Oh, honey! Your first novel.

    George McFly: Like I've always told you, you put your mind to it, you can accomplish *anything*.

    Biff Tannen: Oh, Marty. Marty, here's your keys. You're all waxed up, ready for tonight.

    Marty McFly: Keys?

  • Marty McFly: "Too loud." I can't believe it. I'm never gonna get a chance to play in front of anybody.

    Jennifer Parker: Marty, one rejection isn't the end of the world.

    Marty McFly: Nah, I just don't think I'm cut out for music.

    Jennifer Parker: But you're good, Marty. You're really good, and this audition tape of yours is great. You've gotta send it in to the record company. It's like Doc's always saying.

    Marty McFly: Yeah, I know. I know. "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."

    [Marty notices two girls walk by and looks at them]

    Jennifer Parker: [turns Marty's head back to her] That's good advice, Marty.

    Marty McFly: All right, okay, Jennifer. What if I send in the tape in and they don't like it? What if they say I'm no good? What if they say, "Get out of here kid. You've got no future"? I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection. Jesus, I'm starting to sound like my old man.

    Jennifer Parker: Come on. He's not that bad. At least he's letting you borrow the car tomorrow night.

    Marty McFly: [sees a tow truck pull up with a 4x4 Toyota on the flat bed] Check out that 4x4. That is hot. Someday, Jennifer. Someday. Wouldn't it be great to take that truck up to the lake? Throw a couple of sleeping bags in the back. Lie out underneath the stars.

    Jennifer Parker: [smiling] Stop it.

    Marty McFly: What?

    Jennifer Parker: Does your mom know? About tomorrow night?

    Marty McFly: No, get out of town. My mom thinks I'm going camping with the guys. Look, Jennifer, my mother would freak out if she knew I was going out with you, and I'd get the standard lecture about how she never did that kind of stuff when she was a kid. I mean, look, I think the woman was born a nun.

    Jennifer Parker: She's just trying to keep you respectable.

    Marty McFly: [puts his arm around her, flirting] Well, she's not doing a very good job.

    Jennifer Parker: [both lean in to kiss] Terrible.

  • Biff Tannen: And where's my reports?

    George McFly: Well, I haven't finished those up yet, but you know, I... I figured since they weren't due till...

    Biff Tannen: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly. Think! I gotta have time to get them retyped. Do you realize what would happen if I hand in my reports in your handwriting? I'll get fired. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya? Would ya?

    George McFly: Of course not, Biff. Now, I wouldn't want that to happen. Now, look. I'll, uh, finish those reports on up tonight, and I'll run 'em on over first thing tomorrow, all right?

    Biff Tannen: Not too early. I sleep in Saturday. Oh, McFly, your shoe's untied.

    [jabs his finger up to George's face]

    Biff Tannen: Don't be so gullible, McFly. Got the place fixed up nice, though, McFly.

  • Marty McFly: [being chased by terrorists] Let's see if you bastards can do 90.

  • [concerning his audition tape]

    Marty McFly: What if I send in the tape and they don't like it? I mean, what if they say I'm no good? What if they say, "Get outta here, kid. You got no future"? I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection. Jesus, I'm starting to sound like my old man!

  • Dave McFly: [kissing George McFly on the head] See you later, Pop. Whoo! Time to change that oil.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [21:04] If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.

  • Lou: You gonna order something, kid?

    Marty McFly: Ah, yeah. Give me- Give me a Tab.

    Lou: Tab? I can't give you a tab unless you order something.

    Marty McFly: Right. Give me a Pepsi Free.

    Lou: You want a Pepsi, pal, you're gonna pay for it.

  • Goldie Wilson: [rushes up to George] Say! Why do you let those boys push you around like that for?

    George McFly: Well, they're bigger than me.

    Goldie Wilson: Stand tall, boy. Have some respect for yourself. Don't you know, if you let people walk over you now, they'll be walking over you for the rest of your life. Look at me. You think I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in this slop house?

    Lou: Watch it, Goldie.

    Goldie Wilson: No, sir! I'm gonna make something of myself. I'm going to night school, and one day, I'm gonna be somebody!

    Marty McFly: That's right! He's gonna be mayor.

    Goldie Wilson: Yeah, I'm...

    [smiles, one of his front teeth is gold]

    Goldie Wilson: Mayor! Now *that's* a good idea! I could run for mayor.

    Lou: A colored mayor. That'll be the day.

    Goldie Wilson: You wait and see, Mr. Caruthers. I *will* be mayor! I'll be the most powerful man in Hill Valley, and I'm gonna clean up this town.

    Lou: Good. You can start by sweeping the floor.

    [hands Goldie a broom]

    Goldie Wilson: [stands tall with a hand over his heart] Mayor Goldie Wilson. I like the sound of that.

    [collects George's dishes]

  • [Lorraine's parents are talking about Marty McFly, Lorraine's future son]

    Stella Baines: He's a very strange young man.

    Sam Baines: He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. His parents are probably idiots, too. Lorraine, you ever have a kid who acts that way, I'll disown you.

  • [Dr. Emmett Brown is doubting Marty McFly's story about that he is from the future]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Then tell me, future boy, who's President of the United States in 1985?

    Marty McFly: Ronald Reagan.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Ronald Reagan? The actor?

    [chuckles in disbelief]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Then who's vice president? Jerry Lewis?

    [rushing out and down a hill toward his laboratory]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!

    Marty McFly: [following Doc] Whoa. Wait, Doc!

    Dr. Emmett Brown: And Jack Benny is secretary of the treasury.

    Marty McFly: [outside the lab door] Doc, you gotta listen to me.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [opens the door to the lab] I've had enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, future boy!

    [closes the door leaving Marty outside]

    Marty McFly: No, wait, Doc. Doc. The-the-the bruise on your head, I know how that happened. You told me the whole story. You were standing on your toilet and you were hanging a clock, and you fell and you hit your head on the sink. And that's when you came up with the idea for the flux capacitor,


    Marty McFly: which is what makes time travel possible.

    [Doc opens the door and looks at Marty with a stunned look on his face]

  • Marty McFly: [57:58] Whoa. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Precisely.

    Marty McFly: Whoa. This is heavy.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: There's that word again. "Heavy." Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?

  • [repeated line]

    Marty McFly: This is heavy.

  • [referring to the DeLorean]

    Marty McFly: [looks through a camcorder] This is heavy-duty, Doc. This is great. Uh, does it run, like, on regular unleaded gasoline?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Unfortunately, no. It requires something with a little more kick. Plutonium.

    Marty McFly: Um, plutonium. Wait a minute. Are...

    [lowers the camcorder]

    Marty McFly: Are you telling me that this sucker is NUCLEAR?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Hey, hey, hey! Keep rolling. Keep rolling there.

    [Marty raises the camcorder]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: No, no, no, no, no, this sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need.

    Marty McFly: Doc, you don't just walk into a store and-and buy plutonium! Did you rip that off?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Of course. From a group of Libyan nationalists. They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and, in turn, gave them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts. Come on! Let's get you a radiation suit. We must prepare to reload.

  • Biff Tannen: Since you're new here, I-I'm gonna cut you a break, today. So, why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?

  • George McFly: Lou, give me a milk.

    [dramatic pause]

    George McFly: Chocolate.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: You're late! Do you have no concept of time?

    Marty McFly: Hey, come on. I had to change. Do you think I'm going back in that-that zoot suit? The old man really came through. It worked!

    Dr. Emmett Brown: What?

    Marty McFly: He laid out Biff in one punch. I didn't know he had it in him. He's never stood up to Biff in his life!

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [looks at the restored picture, realizing the implications of what Marty just said] Ever?

  • Red the Bum: [Marty has crashed into a theater after getting back to 1985] Crazy drunk driver.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88 miles per hour, the instant the lightning strikes the tower... everything will be fine.

  • [last lines]

    Marty McFly: Hey, Doc, we better back up. We don't have enough road to get up to 88.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [reads the "Save the Clock Tower" flyer and reacts with hope] This is it! This is the answer. It says here that a bolt of lightning is going to strike the clock tower at precisely 10:04 p.m. next Saturday night! If... If we could somehow harness this lightning... channel it into the flux capacitor... it just might work. Next Saturday night, we're sending you back to the future!

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: I'm sure that in 1985, plutonium is available in every corner drugstore, but in 1955, it's a little hard to come by.

  • George McFly: I know what you're gonna say, Son, and you're right.

    [chuckles breathlessly]

    George McFly: You're right. But, uh, Biff just happens to be my supervisor, and I'm afraid I'm just not very good at... confrontations.

    Marty McFly: But the car, Dad. I mean, he wrecked it. He totaled it. I needed that car tomorrow night, Dad. I mean, do you have any idea how important this was to me? Do you have any clue?

    George McFly: I know, and all I can say is I'm... I'm sorry.

  • Biff Tannen: I have your car towed all the way to your house and all you got for me is lite beer?


  • Marvin Berry: [on the phone, as Marty plays "Johnny B. Goode"] Chuck! Chuck, it's Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Berry. You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!

    [holds the receiver out]

  • Marty McFly: [watching a Honeymooners episode in 1955] Hey, hey, I've seen this one. I've seen this one. This is a classic. This is, uh, where Ralph dresses up as a man from space.

    Milton Baines: What do you mean, you've seen this? It's brand new.

    Marty McFly: Yeah, well, I saw it on a


    Marty McFly: ... rerun.

    Milton Baines: What's a rerun?

    Marty McFly: You'll find out.

  • [Stella Baines is Marty's future grandmother]

    Stella Baines: You know, Marty, you look so familiar to me. Do I know your mother?

    Marty McFly: [turning to look at Lorraine, his mother in the future] Yeah, I think maybe you do...

  • [Marty sees the outside of the Hill Valley High School in 1955]

    Marty McFly: Whoa. They really cleaned this place up. Looks brand-new.

    [Marty and Doc walk toward the building]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Now, remember. According to my theory, you interfered with your parents' first meeting. If they don't meet, they won't fall in love, they won't get married and they won't have kids. That's why your older brother's disappearing from that photograph. Your sister will follow, and unless you repair the damage, you'll be next.

    Marty McFly: Sounds pretty heavy.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Weight has nothing to do with it.

  • [on the phone while all the clocks chime at once]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Are those my clocks I hear?

    Marty McFly: Yeah, it's 8:00.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Perfect! My experiment worked! They're all exactly 25 minutes slow!

    Marty McFly: Wait a minute - wait a minute, Doc... are you telling me that it's 8:25?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Precisely.

    Marty McFly: Damn! I'm late for school!

    [hangs up, grabs his skateboard and rushes out]

  • Marty McFly: Do you know where Riverside Drive is?

    Sam Baines: It's on the other end of town. A block past Maple. East end of town.

    Marty McFly: A block past Maple? That's, uh, that's John F. Kennedy Drive.

    Sam Baines: Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?

  • [on the phone]

    Marty McFly: You know, Doc, you left your equipment on all week.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: My equipment. That reminds me, Marty. You better not hook up to the amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload.

    Marty McFly: Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.

  • Marty McFly: [introducing his band] All right.

    [microphone feedback]

    Marty McFly: We're the, uh... We're the Pinheads.

  • Lorraine Baines: Kids, we're gonna have to eat this cake by ourselves. Your Uncle Joey didn't make parole again.

    [drops the cake on the dining table. It reads "Welcome Home, Uncle Joey"]

    Lorraine Baines: I think it would be nice if you all dropped him a line.

    Marty McFly: Uncle "Jailbird" Joey?

    Dave McFly: He's your brother, Mom.

    Linda McFly: Yeah. I think it's a major embarrassment having an uncle in prison.

    Lorraine Baines: We all make mistakes in life, children.

  • Marty McFly: [to Uncle Joey as a baby, playing in his playpen] So you're my Uncle Joey. Better get used to these bars, kid.

  • George McFly: You really think I ought to swear?

    Marty McFly: Yes, definitely. Goddamn it, George, swear.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Oh, my God. They found me. I don't know how, but they found me. Run for it, Marty!

    Marty McFly: Who? Who?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Who do you think? THE LIBYANS!

    Marty McFly: HOLY SHIT!

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [the DeLorean has just made the first time-jump] Ah! What did I tell you? 88 miles per hour! The temporal displacement occurred exactly 1:20 a.m. and zero seconds!

    Marty McFly: Ah, Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, Doc, you disintegrated Einstein!

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Calm down, Marty. I didn't disintegrate anything. The molecular structure of both Einstein and the car are completely intact.

    Marty McFly: Then where the hell are they?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: The appropriate question is, "*When* the hell are they?" You see, Einstein has just become the world's first time traveler! I sent him into the future. One minute into the future to be exact. And at precisely 1:21 a.m. and zero seconds, we shall catch up with him and the time machine.

  • Younger Dr. Emmett Brown: [running out of the room] 1.21 gigawatts! 1.21 gigawatts. Great Scott!

    Marty McFly: [following] What-what the hell is a gigawatt?

  • [repeated Line]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Great Scott!

  • Marty McFly: Look, Marvin, you gotta play. See, that's where they kiss for the first time on the dance floor. And if there's no music, they can't dance. If they can't dance, they can't kiss. If they can't kiss they can't fall in love, and I'm history.

  • [addressing the shocked expressions at the dance after playing a wild heavy metal guitar solo]

    Marty McFly: I g-guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.

  • [Marty and Doc observe George's incompetence in 1955]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Which one's your pop?

    Marty McFly: [points him out] That's him.

    [they see him getting kicked around by other school bullies]

    George McFly: [has a "kick me" sign on his back] Okay. Okay, you guys. Ah-ha-ha-ha. Very funny. You guys are being real mature.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Maybe you were adopted.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Things have certainly changed around *here*. I remember when this was all farmland as far the eye could see. Old man Peabody owned all of this. He had this crazy idea about breeding pine trees.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Marty, I'm sorry, but the only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning.

    Marty McFly: [startled] What did you say?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: A bolt of lightning. Unfortunately, you never know when or where it's ever gonna strike.

    Marty McFly: We do now.

    [hands Doc the "Save the Clock Tower" flyer]

  • Marty McFly: That's Strickland. Jesus, didn't that guy ever have hair?

  • Marty McFly: [43:42] Calvin? Wh... Why do you keep calling me Calvin?

    Lorraine Baines: Well, that is your name, isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear.

  • [thinking Marty is an alien]

    Sherman Peabody: It's already mutated into human form! Shoot it!

    Old Man Peabody: [firing shotgun at barn] Take that, you mutated son of a bitch!

  • Marty McFly: Hey, Dad! George! Hey, you on the bike!

  • Biff Tannen: What are you looking at, butthead?

    Skinhead: Hey, Biff, get a load of this guy's life preserver. Dork thinks he's gonna drown.

  • Marty McFly: [heads for a door then stops] Oh. One other thing. If you guys ever have kids, and one of them, when he's eight years old, accidentally sets fire to the living room rug... go easy on him.

  • [seeing a poster for the Enchantment Under the Sea dance]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Look! There's a rhythmic ceremonial ritual coming up.

    Marty McFly: Of course! The Enchantment Under the Sea dance! They're supposed to go to this. That's where they kiss for the first time.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: All right, kid. You stick to your father like glue and make sure he takes her to that dance.

  • Marty McFly: [acting cool] Do you mind if we... park... for a while?

    Lorraine Baines: That's a great idea. I'd love to park.

    Marty McFly: Huh?

    Lorraine Baines: Marty, I'm almost 18 years old. It's not like I've never parked before.

    Marty McFly: What?

    Lorraine Baines: Marty, you seem so nervous. Is something wrong?

    Marty McFly: [trying to maintain composure] No. No.

    [Lorraine takes a sip from a liquor bottle]

    Marty McFly: [grabbing the bottle from Lorraine] Lorraine! Lorraine, what are you doing?

    Lorraine Baines: [starting to laugh] I swiped it from the old lady's liquor cabinet.

    Marty McFly: Yeah, well, you shouldn't drink.

    Lorraine Baines: Why not?

    Marty McFly: Because you... You might regret it later in life.

    Lorraine Baines: Marty, don't be such a square. Everybody who's anybody drinks.

    [Marty takes a sip from Lorraine's bottle then spit-takes as he notices Lorraine lighting a cigarette]

    Marty McFly: [nauseatingly] Jeez! You smoke, too?

    Lorraine Baines: Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother.

  • [Marty wakes up in Lorraine's bed]

    Marty McFly: Mom. That you?

    Lorraine Baines: There, there, now. Just relax.

    [pats a damp cloth on Marty's forehead]

    Lorraine Baines: You've been asleep for almost nine hours now.

    Marty McFly: I had a horrible nightmare. I dreamed that I went... back in time. It was terrible.

    Lorraine Baines: Well, you're safe and sound now, back in good old 1955.

    Marty McFly: [opens his eyes wide] 1955?

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: You've got to get your father and mother to interact in some sort of social...

    Marty McFly: Wh-what? You mean like a date?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Right!

    Marty McFly: What kind of date? I don't know. What do kids do in the '50s?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Well, they're your parents. You must know them. What are their common interests? What do they like to do together?

    Marty McFly: Nothing.

  • Biff Tannen: Hey, McFly! I thought I told you never to come in here.

  • Marty McFly: Okay. Time circuit's on. Flux capacitor, fluxing. Engine running. All right.

    [the engine stops suddenly]

  • [Biff is waxing George's car, it's a silver BMW]

    George McFly: Now, Biff, I want to make sure that we get two coats of wax this time, not just one.

    Biff Tannen: I'm just finishing up the second coat now.

    George McFly: Now, Biff, don't con me.

    Biff Tannen: [stammering] I'm sorry, Mr. McFly. I-I meant I was just starting on the second coat.

    George McFly: Biff. What a character. Always trying to get away with something. I've had to stay on top of Biff ever since high school. Although, if it wasn't for him...

    Lorraine Baines: We never would have fallen in love.

    George McFly: That's right.

  • Lorraine Baines: Marty, will we ever see you again?

    Marty McFly: I guarantee it.

  • Skinhead: [throws Marty in the trunk of a car] That's for messing up my hair!

    Band Member: What the hell you doing to my car?

    3-D: Hey, beat it, spook. This don't concern you.

    Marvin Berry: [four additional band members get out of the car] Who you calling "spook," peckerwood?

    Skinhead: Hey, hey, listen, guys... Look, I don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts, okay?

    Marvin Berry: Get home to your mama, boy.

    3-D: Biff, help!

    [the band members chase the boys]

  • George McFly: Hey, you! Get your damn hands off her!

  • Marty McFly: [sees that he has destroyed the huge speaker] Whoa! Rock 'n' Roll.

  • [Marty places headphones over his father's ears and wakes him up by playing Van Halen music at full blast. George wakes up screaming - Marty pauses the music. George looks up to see Marty, who is unrecognizable because he is wearing a radiation suit]

    George McFly: Who are you?

    Marty McFly: [after giving him another earful of loud rock music] Silence, Earthling. My name is Darth Vader. I am an extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan!

    [makes Live Long and Prosper sign with his hand]

  • Lorraine Baines: It's our first television set. Dad just picked it up today. Do you have a television?

    Marty McFly: Well, yeah. You know we have... two of them.

    Milton Baines: Wow! You must be rich.

    Stella Baines: Oh, honey, he's teasing you. Nobody has two television sets.

  • [a switch actives Dr. Brown's television and we see a news report]

    TV news anchor: The Senate is expected to vote on this today. In other news, officials at the Pacific Nuclear research facility have denied the rumor that a case of missing plutonium was, in fact, stolen from their vault two weeks ago. A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft. However, officials now attribute the discrepancy to a simple clerical error. The FBI, which is investigating the matter, had no comment. Twelve wooden crates filled with cocaine washed ashore near Boca Raton, Florida, yesterday.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [holding Marty's video camera] No wonder your president has to be an actor. He's gotta look good on television.

  • Linda McFly: Then how am I supposed to ever meet anybody?

    Lorraine Baines: Well, it'll just happen. Like the way I met your father.

    Linda McFly: That was so stupid! Grandpa hit him with the car.

    Lorraine Baines: [wistfully] It was meant to be.

  • Lorraine Baines: Anyway, your Grandpa hit him with the car and brought him into the house. He seemed so helpless, like a little lost puppy, and my heart just went out to him.

    Linda McFly: Yeah, Mom, we know. You've told us this story a million times. You felt sorry for him, so you decided to go with him to the Fish Under the Sea dance.

    Lorraine Baines: No, no. It was the Enchantment Under the Sea dance.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Let me show you my plan for sending you home. Please excuse the crudity of this model. I didn't have time to build it to scale or paint it.

    [reveals intricate tabletop model of the town square]

    Marty McFly: [impressed] It's good.

  • Mr. Strickland: Am I to understand you're still hanging around with Dr. Emmett Brown, McFly?

    [clicks with his mouth, gives Jennifer a tardy slip]

    Mr. Strickland: Tardy slip for you, Miss Parker.

    [gives Marty one, too]

    Mr. Strickland: And one for you, McFly; I believe that makes four in a row. Now let me give you a nickel's worth of free advice, young man. This so-called Dr. Brown is dangerous. He's a real nutcase. You hang around with him, you're gonna end up in big trouble.

    Marty McFly: [sarcastically] Ooh, yes, sir.

    Mr. Strickland: [pushes Marty a little bit] You got a real attitude problem, McFly; you're a slacker. You remind me of your father when he went here; he was a slacker, too.

  • High-School Band Audition Judge: Okay, thank you. That's enough. Hold it now. Hold it. Hold it, fellas. I'm afraid you're just too darn loud. Next, please. Bring in the next group, please.

  • George McFly: [deleted scene]

    [after looking at his watch George rushes to the phone booth and calls the operator]

    George McFly: Operator! Operator, can you give me the time?

    [a few students come and block him in the phone booth with a trident]

    George McFly: Dixon, I got to get out! Dixon, this isn't funny! What? Dixon!

    [the students laugh as they walk away]

    George McFly: [Mr. Strickland walks by and sees George inside the phone booth] Mr. Strickland, those no-good guys, they just locked me in.

    Mr. Strickland: You see. You see what happens to slackers, McFly?

    [walks away]

    George McFly: Yes. Yes! Mr. Strickland, you've got to let me out of here!

  • [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]

    Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!

    George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.

    Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?

    George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?

    Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?

    [shows his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?

  • Sam Baines: Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car! Come on out here! Help me take him in the house!

  • Marty McFly: [whilst with his girlfriend] What happens to us in the future? Do we become assholes or something?

  • [first lines]

    1985 Radio Announcer: October is inventory time, so right now, Statler Toyota is making the best deals of the year on all 1985-model Toyotas. You won't find a better car at a better price with better service anywhere in Hill Valley. That's Statler Toyota in downtown Hill Valley.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [Marty is showing Doc Brown the flux capacitor in the DeLorean time vehicle]


    Dr. Emmett Brown: It works! It works!

    [grabs Marty]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: I finally invent something that works!

    Marty McFly: [quietly] You bet your ass it works.

  • Marty McFly: Where are my pants?

    Lorraine Baines: Over there, on my hope chest.

  • Marty McFly: Since when can weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future?

  • Lorraine Baines: Marty? Why are you so nervous?

    Marty McFly: Lorraine. Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you had to act a certain way, but when you got there, you didn't know if you could go through with it?

    Lorraine Baines: You mean like how you're supposed to act on a first date?

    Marty McFly: [stammering] Sort of.

    Lorraine Baines: I think I know exactly what you mean. You know what I do in those situations?

    Marty McFly: You do? What?

    Lorraine Baines: I don't worry.

    [kisses him hard]

    Lorraine Baines: [Lorraine stops and pulls back, Marty is freaking out]

    Lorraine Baines: This is all wrong. I don't know what it is. But when I kiss you, it's like I'm kissing... my brother. I guess that doesn't make any sense, does it?

    Marty McFly: Believe me, it makes perfect sense.

  • Lorraine Baines: I've never seen purple underwear before!

  • [after Marty caused him to crash into a manure truck]

    Biff Tannen: [to his friends] I'm gonna get that son of a bitch.

  • Mark Dixon: Scram, McFly. I'm cuttin' in.

  • Marty McFly: [Marty has just woken up to a new and improved 1985, and sees his brother and sister well-dressed and sitting at the dinner table, eating breakfast]

    Marty McFly: Hey. What the hell is this?

    Linda McFly: Breakfast.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [Deleted Scene, Doc Brown uses a sound fork and hits the time machine with the sound fork and frantically steps back] I knew, I knew it, I knew it.

    Marty McFly: Doc, do you have a 75-ohm matching transformer?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: What?

    Marty McFly: [Realizing where in time he is] Not invented yet. That's right.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [Walks over to his future self's suit case] So, these are my personal belongings, huh?

    Marty McFly: Yeah.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [Opens up the suit case and picks up a hair dryer] What's this thing?

    Marty McFly: It's a hair dryer.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: A hair dryer? Don't they have towels in the future?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [Picks up a pair of underwear] Oh, look at these underpants. They're all made of cotton. I though for sure we'd all be wearing disposable paper garments by 1985.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [Picks up a Playboy Magazine] What's... this?

    [Looks at the magazine]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [exclaims] Suddenly, the future's looking a *whole* lot better.

  • [pacing in front of the clock tower]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [looks at his watch] Damn! Where is that kid?

    [looks at a small alarm clock in his other hand]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Damn!

    [looks at a second watch on his other wrist]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Damn! Damn!

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [Doc has just finished the final preparations for Marty's return to 1985] Well, I guess that's everything.

    Marty McFly: [pause] Thanks.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Thank *you*!

    [Marty emotionally embraces Doc, which surprises him]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: See you in about 30 years.

    Marty McFly: I hope so.

  • Marty McFly: [Doc has just been shot. Marty runs over to him] Doc! Doc!

    Marty McFly: [Marty turns Doc's body over to reveal it is apparently bullet-ridden and lifeless. Marty begins to cry] No! No!

    Marty McFly: [Doc suddenly blinks and sits up] You're alive.

    Marty McFly: [Doc unzips his radiation suit to reveal a bulletproof vest underneath] Bulletproof vest? How did you know? I never got a chance to tell you.

    Marty McFly: [Doc smiles and removes a weathered piece of paper from his pocket. Marty unfolds the paper to reveal it is the warning letter he had written in 1955, taped back together] What about all that talk about screwing up future events? The space-time continuum?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Well, I figured, what the hell?

  • 1955 radio weatherman: [It's Marty's last night in 1955. Doc is setting up the cable that will channel the lightning bolt into the time machine] ... Hill Valley area weather this Saturday night. Mostly clear, with some scattered clouds. Lows tonight in the upper 40s.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Are you sure about this storm?

    Marty McFly: Since when can weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: You know, Marty, I'm gonna be very sad to see you go. You've really made a difference in my life. You've given me something to shoot for. Just knowing that I'm going to be around to see 1985. That I'm gonna succeed in this!

    [gestures at time machine]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: That I'm gonna have a chance to travel through time!

    [Marty looks solemn, knowing that Doc is destined to be murdered before he gets to use the time machine himself]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: It's gonna be really hard waiting 30 years before I can talk to you about everything that's happened in the past few days. I'm really gonna miss you, Marty.

    Marty McFly: I'm really gonna miss *you*.


    Marty McFly: Doc, about the future...

    Dr. Emmett Brown: No! Marty! We've already agreed that having information about the future can be extremely dangerous. Even if your intentions are good, it can backfire drastically!

    [Marty nods reluctantly]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Whatever you've got to tell me, I'll find out through the natural course of time.

  • Marty McFly: [Reading a letter he has just written] Dear Dr. Brown. On the night that I go back in time, you will be shot by terrorists. Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster. Your friend, Marty.

    [Writes the words "Do not open until 1985" on the envelope]

  • Linda McFly: [having "originally" - before Marty went back in time and altered the past - complained about not being very popular socially] If Paul calls, tell him I'm working late at the boutique tonight.

    Dave McFly: Linda, first of all, I'm not your answering service; second of all, somebody named Greg or Craig called you just a little while ago.

    Linda McFly: Well, which one was it, Greg or Craig?

    Dave McFly: [a little impatiently] I don't know! I can't keep up of all of your boyfriends!

  • Biff Tannen: Say hi to your mom for me.

  • George McFly: I've never picked a fight in my entire life.

    Marty McFly: Look, you're not gonna be picking a fight, Dad... Dad-Dad-Daddy-O.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: You'll have to forgive the crudeness of this model. I didn't have time to paint it or build it to scale.

  • Marty McFly: Let's go over the plan again, so eight-thirty where are you going to be?

    George McFly: I'm gonna be at the dance.

    Marty McFly: And where am I gonna be?

    George McFly: You're going to be in the car with her...

    Marty McFly: Right, so right around nine o'clock she's going to get very angry with me.

    George McFly: Why would she get angry with you?

    Marty McFly: [reluctantly] Because, George, nice girls get angry when guys take advantage of them.

    George McFly: [Realizing] Ho! Hooo! You-you mean you're going to go touch her on her -

    [gestures at a bra in his hand]

    Marty McFly: No, no, no listen, George it's just an act! Okay? So around nine o'clock you're walking through the parking lot, you see us... struggling in the car. You walk up, you open the door and you say


    Marty McFly: ... your line, George!

    George McFly: Oh! "Hey you! Get your damn hands off her!"

  • [in 1955, catching George spying on a woman undressing in her bedroom]

    Marty McFly: He's a Peeping Tom!

  • Marty McFly: This is heavy.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Weight has nothing to do with it.

  • Lorraine Baines: I think we need a rematch.

    George McFly: Oh, a rematch. Why? Were you cheating?

    Lorraine Baines: No. Good morning

    George McFly: Hello.

    [Marty collapses onto the floor]

  • Marty McFly: He laid out Biff in one punch. I didn't know he had it in him. He's never stood up to Biff in his life!

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [looks at the picture, realizing the implications of Marty's statement] Ever?

  • Clocktower Lady: [interrupting Marty & Jennifer's kiss] Save the clock tower!

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [Doc Brown is trying to read Marty's mind with a geodesic helmet and a suction cup] Erm, you want me to make a donation to the Coastguard Youth Auxilliary?

    Marty McFly: Doc,

    [pulls off suction cup]

    Marty McFly: I'm from the future. I came here in a Time Machine that you invented. Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: My God. Do you know what this means?

    [Significant pause]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: It means that this damn thing doesn't work at all!

    [Rips the helmet off]

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Now, if my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles an hour, you're going to see some serious shit!

  • Marty McFly: My name is Lord Vader. I am an Extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan.

  • George McFly: [on the day after the evening Marty disguises himself as an alien and makes a threatening visit to George] Marty! Marty! Marty!

    Marty McFly: Hey, George, buddy, you weren't at school. What have you been doing all day?

    George McFly: I overslept. Look, I need your help. I have to ask Lorraine out but I don't know how to do it.

    Marty McFly: Alright, okay, listen, keep your pants on. She's over in the cafe.

    [George heads for the cafe, Marty races after him]

    Marty McFly: What made you change your mind, George?

    George McFly: [loud enough for a couple walking by to hear] Last night, Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine, that he'd melt my brain!

    Marty McFly: Yeah, well, uh, let's keep this brain-melting stuff to ourselves, okay?

    George McFly: Oh, yeah! Yeah!

  • George McFly: Look, I'm just not ready to ask Lorraine out to the dance, and not you, or anybody else on this planet is gonna make me change my mind.

  • Marty McFly: [after Doc has been shot] No! You bastard!

    [the gunman shoots at Marty, but misses. They circle around to the other side and Marty braces himself, but the gunman's gun jams allowing Marty to jump into the Delorean]

    Terrorist: Go!

    [tries to get his gun to work]

    Terrorist: Damn Soviet gun!

    Terrorist Van Driver: [tries to start the van] Damn!

  • Marty McFly: [the Libyans are chasing Marty around the parking lot] Come on, move! Damn it!

    [he drives the DeLorean around curves and back into the parking lot. The Libyan gunman gets out a rocket-propelled grenade, intending to destroy both the DeLorean and Marty]

    Marty McFly: [noticing what's happening] Holy shit! Let's see if you bastards can do 90.

    [he floors the DeLorean, accelerating to 88 mph and travels to November 5th, 1955, crashing first into a scarecrow and then into a barn, all the while screaming]

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [Doc is about to leave in the DeLorean] I, Dr. Emmett Brown, am about to embark on an historic journey.

    [suddenly realizes something]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: What am I thinking of? I almost forgot to bring extra plutonium. How do I ever expect to get back? One pellet, one trip. I must be out of my mind.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [Einstein starts barking] What is it Einie?

    [he sees the Libyans van coming into the parking lot]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Oh, my God. They found me. I don't know how, but they found me. Run for it, Marty!

    Marty McFly: Who, who?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Who do you think? The Libyans!

    [Marty turns to look at the incoming van]

    Marty McFly: Holy shit!

  • Marty McFly: [after arriving back in 1985, Marty sees a familiar looking van drive past] Libyans.

    [he starts to run after the van on foot]

    Marty McFly: [after running all the way to the mall, he arrives just in time to Doc get shot to the ground, but before he can cry out in anguish, he hears another voice scream:]

    Marty McFly: [past self] NO! You bastard!

    [the Libyans fire off-screen and seconds later, Marty sees his past self run to the other side of the van, only to be cornered by the Libyans, the gunman's rifle jams and Marty's past self jumps into the DeLorean and drives off with the Libyans chasing him]

    Marty McFly: [Marty jumps down through the bushes as he watches the Libyans chase his past self around the parking lot. The DeLorean speeds up to 88 mph, then disappears in a flash of light which blinds the Libyans and sends them crashing into a photo stand]

  • [George approaches Lorraine's car, thinking that Marty is making advances on her as he and George have planned. However, George doesn't realize that Biff has thrown Marty out and is trying to rape Lorraine]

    George McFly: [opens the door] Hey you! Get your damn hands off of...

    [Biff looks up to see who is talking to him. George realizes it is Biff and lets out a moan of chagrin at seeing the bully who tormented]

    Biff Tannen: [threateningly] Why don't you walk away, McFly and leave the two of us alone.

    Lorraine Baines: [fearfully] George! George, help me! Please!

    [Biff pushes her down. George stands his ground]

    Biff Tannen: Are you dumb, McFly? I said CLOSE the door and WALK AWAY!

    George McFly: [shakingly but firmly] No, Biff. YOU leave her alone.

    Biff Tannen: [smiles viciously] Alright, McFly. Now, you're gonna get it.

    [Biff gets out of the car and faces George. George tries to punch Biff in the stomach but Biff blocks the punch by grabbing his fist and begins to bend George's arm back. George gasps in pain]

    Lorraine Baines: [horrified] Biff, stop! Stop! You'll break his arm! Biff!

    [Biff ignores her. Lorraine jumps on Biff and begins punching him]

    Lorraine Baines: [angrily] Let him go, Biff! Stop it! LET HIM GO!

    [Biff grabs her face and pushes Lorraine to the ground. Biff starts to laugh at her. George, seeing Biff tormenting Lorraine, begins to shake with fury. His hand balls into a fist. When Biff turns to face him, George punches Biff in the face, knocking him out cold. George makes gasping noises and smiles goofily for a few minutes, realizing that he does indeed have the potential to be courageous. He then looks at Lorraine]

    George McFly: [concerned] A-Are you okay?

    Lorraine Baines: [Lorraine nods. George helps her up and they walk to the dance, unaware that they are being watched by a happy Marty and a crowd of couples invited to the dance]

  • [Doc has just sent Einstein in the DeLorean to the future via remote control]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [excitedly] What did I tell you?

    [Doc begins jumping up and down excitedly, while Marty stares where the time machine vanished in disbelief]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [screaming with joy] EIGHTY-EIGHT MILES PER HOUR!

  • Marty McFly: [having crashed the DeLorean into the barn] Hello? Uh, excuse me. Sorry about your barn.

    [a gunshot rings out startling Marty, who stumbles back and trips]

  • Sherman Peabody: [his dad is shooting at Marty, who they think is an alien] It's already mutated into human form! Shoot it!

    Old Man Peabody: [fires a second shot] Take that you mutated son of a bitch!

    [the DeLorean suddenly bursts through the barn doors and starts driving around wildly]

    Peabody Daughter: Get away!

    [Marty swerves away trying to escape]

    Old Man Peabody: Hold it!

    Peabody Daughter: Shoot it, Pa!

  • Marty McFly: Time circuits on. Flux Capacitor... fluxing.

  • Marty McFly: [26:15] This is uh... this is heavy duty, Doc, this is great. Does it run on, um, regular unleaded gasoline?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Unfortunately, no. It requires something with a little more kick: Plutonium!

  • Marty McFly: [50:01] Look at this picture, my brother, my sister, & me. Look at her sweatshit, doc. Class of 1984

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Pretty mediocre photographic fakery, they cut off your brother's hair

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Marty, is that you?

    Marty McFly: Hey. Hey, Doc, where are you?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Thank God I found you. Listen, can you meet me at Twin Pines Mall tonight at 1:15? I made a major breakthrough, and I'll need your assistance.

    Marty McFly: Wait... wait a minute. 1:15 in the morning?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Yeah.

    Marty McFly: Doc, what's going on? Where you been all week?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Workin'.

  • Marty McFly: [showing up at school late] Yo, Jennifer.

    Jennifer Parker: Marty, don't go this way. Strickland's looking for you. If you get caught, it'll be four tardies in a row.

  • Clocktower Lady: Mayor Wilson is sponsoring an initiative to replace that clock. 30 years ago, lightning struck that clock tower, and the clock hasn't run since. We at the Hill Valley Preservation Society think it should be preserved exactly the way it is, as part of our history and heritage.

    Marty McFly: [putting a coin in her can] There you go, lady. There's a quarter.

  • Linda McFly: Hey, Marty. I'm not your answering service. While you were outside pouting over the car, Jennifer Parker called you twice.

    Lorraine Baines: I don't like her, Marty. Any girl who calls up a boy is just asking for trouble.

    Linda McFly: Oh, Mother, there's nothing wrong with calling a boy.

    Lorraine Baines: I think it's terrible. Girls chasing boys! When I was your age, I never chased a boy or called a boy, or sat in a parked car with a boy.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Marty, you didn't fall asleep, did you?

    Marty McFly: [groggy, then slowly waking up] Uh, Doc. Uh, no. No, don't... don't be silly.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Listen, this is very important. I forgot my video camera. Can you stop by my place and pick it up on your way to the mall?

    Marty McFly: Uh, yeah. Um... on my way.

  • Marty McFly: [after Doc's demonstration of the time machine with Einstein] He's all right.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: He's fine! And he's completely unaware that anything happened. As far as he's concerned, the trip was instantaneous. That's why his watch is exactly one minute behind mine. He skipped over that minute to instantly arrive at this moment in time. Come here. I'll show you how it works.

    Marty McFly: All right.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [getting in the driver's seat] First, you turn the time circuits on. This readout tells you where you're going, this one tells you where you are, this one tells you where you were. You input your destination time on this keypad. Say you wanna see the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

    [inputting "July 4, 1776"]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Or witness the birth of Christ.

    [inputting "December 25, 0000"]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Here's a red-letter date in the history of science. November 5, 1955.


    Dr. Emmett Brown: Yes, of course, November 5, 1955.

    Marty McFly: What? I don't get it. What happened?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [laughing to himself] That was the day I invented time travel. I remember it vividly. I was standing on the edge of my toilet, hanging a clock. The porcelain was wet, I slipped, hit my head on the edge of the sink. And when I came to, I had a revelation. A vision. A picture in my head. A picture of this. This is what makes time travel possible. The flux capacitor.

    Marty McFly: Flux capacitor?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: It's taken me almost 30 years and my entire family fortune to realize the vision of that day. My god, has it been that long?

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Don't you lose those tapes now. I need that as a record.

    [putting a plutonium container back in the case]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Let's put this back here. There we go. Whoop! I almost forgot my luggage. I mean, who knows if they've got cotton underwear in the future. I'm allergic to all synthetics.

    Marty McFly: The future? That's where' you're goin'.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: That's right. 25 years into the future. I've always dreamed of seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind.

    Marty McFly: Why not?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: I'll also be able to see who wins the next 25 World Series.

  • Ma Peabody: [seeing the DeLorean in the barn] Lord, what is it? What is it, Pa?

    Old Man Peabody: Looks like a airplane... without wings!

  • Old Man Peabody: [shooting at Marty] You space bastard! You killed my pine!

  • Marty McFly: All right, okay, McFly. Get a grip on yourself. It's all a dream. Just a very intense dream.

    [seeing something, he slams on the brakes; getting out, he sees Lyon Estates - the housing community where he lives in 1985 - is all farmland just beginning urban development]

  • Lou: Hey, kid. What'd you do, jump ship?

    Marty McFly: What?

    Lou: Well, what's with the life preserver?

  • Biff Tannen: Hey, McFly! What do you think you're doing?

    Marty McFly: [turning around, surprised to see him so young] Biff.

    Biff Tannen: Hey, I'm talking to you, McFly, you Irish bug!

    George McFly: [Marty's eyes widen] Oh, hey, Biff. Hey, guys. How are you doin'?

    Biff Tannen: Yeah, you got my homework finished, McFly?

    George McFly: Uh... well, actually, I figured since it wasn't due 'til Monday...

    Biff Tannen: [rapping him on the head with his knuckles] Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Hey, think, McFly. Think. I gotta have time to re-copy it. You realize what would happen if I hand in my homework with your handwriting? I'll get kicked out of school. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya?

    [grabbing the front of his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: Would ya?

    George McFly: Well, no, of course not.

  • George McFly: [feeling Marty staring at him] What?

    Marty McFly: You're George McFly.

    George McFly: Yeah. Who are you?

  • Lorraine Baines: That's a big bruise you have there.

    Marty McFly: [backing away, he falls off the bed] Ahhh!

    Stella Baines: [hearing the noise] Lorraine, are you up there?

    Lorraine Baines: Oh, my god. It's my mother! Quick! Put your pants back on!

  • Stella Baines: So, tell me, Marty, how long have you been in port?

    Marty McFly: Excuse me?

    Stella Baines: Ah, I guessed you're a sailor. I think that's why you wear that life preserver.

    Marty McFly: Uh, Coast Guard.

  • Stella Baines: Joey just loves being in his playpen. He cries whenever we take him out, so we just leave him in there all the time.

  • Lorraine Baines: Mother? Uh, w-with Marty's parents out of town, don't you think he oughta spend the night? I mean, after all, dad almost killed him with the car.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [the working flux capacitor in the time machine has convinced him of Marty's story] Somehow, we've gotta sneak this back to my laboratory. We've gotta get you home!

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [watching the tape of his future self] Why, that's me! Look at me! I'm an old man! Thank God I've still got my hair.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: How could I have been so careless? 1.21 gigawatts!

    [picking up a framed picture of Thomas Edison]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Tom, how am I gonna generate that kind of power? It can't be done, can it?

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Marty, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're stuck here.

    Marty McFly: Whoa. Whoa, Doc, stuck here? I can't... I can't be stuck here. I got a life in 1985. I got a girl.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Is she pretty?

    Marty McFly: Doc, she's beautiful. She...

    [showing him the back of the "Save the Clocktower" flyer]

    Marty McFly: She's crazy about me. Look at this. Look what she wrote here, Doc. I mean, that says it all. Doc, you're my only hope.

  • Marty McFly: I can spend a week in 1955. I can hang out. You can show me around.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Marty, that is completely out of the question. You must not leave this house. You must not see anybody or talk to anybody. Anything you do can have serious repercussions on future events. Do you understand?

    Marty McFly: [evasively] Yeah. Sure. Okay.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Marty, have you interacted with anybody else today besides me?

    Marty McFly: I'm... yeah, well, I might've sort of bumped into my parents.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Great Scott! Let me see that photograph again of your brother.

    [Marty hands it over]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Just as I thought. This proves my theory. Look at your brother.

    Marty McFly: His head's gone. It's like it's been erased.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Erased from existence.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [watching George getting bullied in school] What did your mother ever see in that kid?

    Marty McFly: I don't know, Doc. I guess she felt sorry for him 'cause her dad hit him with the car.


    Marty McFly: Hit me with the car.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: That's the Florence Nightingale effect. It happens in hospitals when nurses fall in love with their patients.

  • Lorraine Baines: How's your head?

    Marty McFly: Uh, good. Fine.

    Lorraine Baines: I've been so worried about you ever since you ran off the other night. Are you okay?

    Babs: [the tardy bell rings] Come on. We're tardy!

    Lorraine Baines: [getting pulled away] Sorry. I have to go.

    Babs: Come on!

    Lorraine Baines: Isn't he a dreamboat?

  • Marty McFly: What are you writing?

    George McFly: Uh, stories. Science fiction stories about visitors coming down to Earth from other planets.

    Marty McFly: Get outta town! I didn't know you did anything creative. Let me read some.

    George McFly: Oh, no, no, no, no. I never... I never let anybody read my stories.

    Marty McFly: Why not?

    George McFly: Well, what if they didn't like them? What if they told me I was no good? I guess that would be pretty hard for somebody to understand.

    Marty McFly: Uh, no. No, not hard at all.

  • Marty McFly: So, anyway, George, about Lorraine... she really likes you. She told me to tell you that she wants you to ask her to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance.

    George McFly: Really?

    Marty McFly: Oh, yeah. All you gotta do is go over there and ask her.

    George McFly: What, right here, right now in the cafeteria? What if she said no? I don't know if I could take that kind of a rejection. Besides, I think she'd rather go with somebody else.

    Marty McFly: Uh, who?

    George McFly: Biff.

  • Biff Tannen: You want it. You know you want it. You know you want me to give it to you.

    Lorraine Baines: [slapping him] Shut your filthy mouth. I'm not that kind of girl.

    Biff Tannen: Well, maybe you are and you just don't know it yet.

    Lorraine Baines: Get your meat hooks off of me.

    Marty McFly: You heard her.

    [pulling him to his feet, he realizes Biff towers over him]

    Marty McFly: She said get your meat hooks... off. Uh, please.

    Biff Tannen: [shoving him] So what's it to you, butthead? You've been looking for a...

    [shoving him again, Marty shoves back; Biff moves to hit him until he sees Strickland]

  • George McFly: Why do you keep following me around?

    Marty McFly: Look, George. I'm telling you, George, if you do not ask Lorraine to that dance, I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life.

  • Marty McFly: [advising George on asking Lorraine to the school dance] All right, there she is, George. Now just go in there and invite her.

    George McFly: Okay, but I don't know what to say.

    Marty McFly: Well, just say anything, George. Say whatever's natural, the first thing that comes into your mind.

    George McFly: [thinking] Nothing's coming to my mind.

  • Marty McFly: Tell her destiny brought you together. Tell her that she is the most beautiful girl you have ever seen in the world. Girls like that stuff.

    [seeing George writing in his notepad]

    Marty McFly: What... what are you doing, George?

    George McFly: I'm writing this down. This is good stuff.

  • Biff Tannen: Hey, McFly!

    Marty McFly: Oh, jeez...

    Biff Tannen: I thought I told you never to come in here. Well, it's gonna cost you. How much money you got on you?

    George McFly: Well, how much do you want, Biff?

    Biff Tannen: [people murmur as Marty trips him] All right, punk. Now I'm gonna...

    Marty McFly: [pointing behind him] Whoa, whoa, Biff. What's that?

    [Biff turns around to look; as he turns back, Marty punches him in the face; running away, he knocks over Skinhead, 3-D, and Match]

    Lorraine Baines: That's Calvin Klein. Oh, my god, he's a dream.

  • Babs: [after Marty causes Biff to crash into a manure truck] Where does he come from?

    Betty: Yeah, where does he live?

    Lorraine Baines: I don't know. But I'm gonna find out.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Okay, now, we run some industrial-strength electrical cable from the top of the clock tower, down, suspending it over the street between these two lampposts. Meanwhile, we've outfitted the time vehicle with this big pole and hook, which runs directly into the flux capacitor. At the calculated moment, you start off from down the street, driving directly towards the cable, accelerating to 88 miles per hour. According to the flyer, at precisely 10:04 p.m. this Saturday night, lighting will strike the clock tower, electrifying the cable, just as the connecting hook makes contact, thereby sending 1.21 gigawatts into the flux capacitor and sending you back to 1985. All right, now. Watch this. You wind up the car and release it. I'll simulate the lightning.

    [plugging in and holding up two jumper cables]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Ready.

    [attaching one to the model lamppost]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Set. Release!

    [Marty lets the toy car go, and Doc attaches the other to a nail in the model clock tower; as the "lightning" strikes, the car catches on fire, runs off the model, and sets fire to a pile of rags soaking in paint thinner]

    Marty McFly: You're not instilling me with a lot of confidence, Doc.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Don't worry. I'll take care of ideas. You just take care of your pop. By the way, what happened today? Did he ask her out?

    Marty McFly: [evasively] I think so.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: What did she say?

    [hearing a knock on the door, he looks through the drawn shade]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: It's your mom! She's tracked you down!

  • Lorraine Baines: Marty, this may seem a little forward, but I was kind of wondering if... i-if you'd ask me to the... Enchantment Under the Sea dance on Saturday?

    Marty McFly: Uh, you mean... you mean nobody's asked you?

    Lorraine Baines: No. Not yet.

    Marty McFly: What about... what about George?

    Lorraine Baines: George McFly? Oh, he... he's kind of cute and all, but, uh, not... well, I think a man should be strong, so he can stand up for himself, and protect the woman he loves. Don't you?

    Marty McFly: [nervously sharing a glance with Doc] Yeah.

  • George McFly: I still don't understand. How am I supposed to go to the dance with her if she's already going to the dance with you?

    Marty McFly: Well, because, George, she wants to go with you. She just doesn't know it yet. That's why we gotta show her that you, George McFly, are a fighter. You're somebody who's gonna stand up for yourself, somebody who's gonna protect her.

  • Marvin Berry: [Marty is filling in for him on guitar] Yeah, man, that was good. Let's do another one!

    Marty McFly: Uh, no. I gotta go.

    Marvin Berry: Come on, man. Let's do something that really cooks.

    Marty McFly: Something that... that cooks.

    [getting an idea]

    Marty McFly: All right.

    Marvin Berry: All right!

    Marty McFly: [approaching the microphone] All right... uh... all right, this is, uh, this is an oldie, but, uh... well, it's... it's an oldie where I come from.

    [turning to the backing band]

    Marty McFly: All right, guys, listen. This is a blues riff in B. Watch me for the changes, and try and keep up, okay?

    [he begins playing "Johnny B. Goode"]

  • Biff Tannen: You caused 300 bucks' damage to my car, you son of a bitch. And I'm gonna take it outta your ass. Hold him.

    Lorraine Baines: Let him go, Biff. You're drunk.

    Biff Tannen: Well, looky what we have here.

    [she backs away]

    Biff Tannen: No, no! Stay right here with me. Come on, Lorraine.

    Lorraine Baines: Let me go!

    Marty McFly: Leave her alone, you bastard!

    Biff Tannen: [to his friends] You guys, take him in back, all right? I'll be right there.

    [turning his attention back to Lorraine]

    Biff Tannen: Just admit that you want it. Come on. Come on.

    [seeing his friends still there, he shuts the car door]

    Biff Tannen: Well, go on! This ain't no peep show.

  • Marty McFly: [locked in a car trunk] Let me outta here! Yo!

    Marvin Berry: Yo, Reginald, where are your keys?

    Marty McFly: The-the keys are in the trunk.

    Marvin Berry: Say that again?

    Marty McFly: I said the keys are in here.

  • Marty McFly: [leaving the Enchantment Under the Sea dance] Lorraine.

    Lorraine Baines: Marty, that was very interesting music.

    Marty McFly: Uh, yeah.

    Lorraine Baines: Uh, I hope you don't mind, but George asked if he could take me home.

    Marty McFly: Great! Good. Good, Lorraine. I had a feeling about you two.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Let's set your destination time.

    [getting into the DeLorean]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: This is the exact time you left. Let's send you back at exactly the same time. It'll be like you never left. Now, I painted a white line on the street, way over there. That's where you'll start from. I've calculated the precise distance, taking into account the acceleration speed and wind resistance retroactive from the moment the lightning strikes, which will be in exactly 7 minutes and 22 seconds.

    [winding a hand-held alarm clock]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: When this alarm goes off, you hit the gas.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: [finding Marty's warning letter in his coat pocket] What's the meaning of this?

    Marty McFly: You'll find out in 30 years.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: It's about the future, isn't it? It's information about the future!

    Marty McFly: Wait a minute!

    Dr. Emmett Brown: I warned you about this, kid. The consequences could be disastrous!

    Marty McFly: Doc, that's a risk you're gonna have to take. Your life depends on it!

    Dr. Emmett Brown: No!

    [ripping it up]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: I refuse to accept the responsibility.

    Marty McFly: In that case, I'll tell you straight out!

    Dr. Emmett Brown: [with a crash of thunder, a tree branch lands nearby, disconnecting a power cord] Great Scott!

  • Marty McFly: Damn it, Doc! Why did you have to tear up that letter? If I only had more time.


    Marty McFly: Wait a minute. I got all the time I want. I got a time machine! I can just go back early and warn him.

  • Marty McFly: So how far ahead are you going?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: About 30 years. It's a nice round number.

    Marty McFly: Look me up when you get there, all right? Guess I'll be about... 47.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: I will.

    Marty McFly: Take care.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: You, too.

    Marty McFly: Right. Bye-bye, Einie. Oh, and watch that re-entry. It... it's a little bumpy.

  • Marty McFly: [waking up back in 1985] What a nightmare.

  • Dave McFly: What, did you sleep in your clothes again last night?

    Marty McFly: Yeah. I... Yeah. What are... what are you wearing, Dave?

    Dave McFly: Marty, I always wear a suit to the office.

  • Marty McFly: [surprised to see his parents in the new 1985] You guys... you guys look great. Mom, you-you look so thin.

    Lorraine Baines: Why, thank you, Marty.

    [George playfully pinches her butt]

    Lorraine Baines: George!

  • Linda McFly: Oh, Marty, I almost forgot. Jennifer Parker called.

    Lorraine Baines: Oh, I sure like her, Marty. She is such a sweet girl. Isn't tonight the night of the big date?

    Marty McFly: What? What, Ma?

    Lorraine Baines: Well, aren't you going up to the lake? You've been planning it for two weeks.

    Marty McFly: Well, mom, we talked about this. I mean, how can I go to the lake? The car's wrecked.

    George McFly: Wrecked?

    Dave McFly: Wrecked?

    Linda McFly: What happened to the car?

    Dave McFly: When the hell did this happen?

    George McFly: Quiet down. I'm sure the car is fine.

    Dave McFly: Why am I always the last one to know about these things?

    George McFly: [leading Marty to the front door] See? There's Biff out there waxing it right now.

  • Jennifer Parker: How about a ride, mister?

    Marty McFly: Jennifer. Oh, are you a sight for sore eyes. Let me look at you.

    Jennifer Parker: Marty, you're acting like you haven't seen me in a week.

    Marty McFly: I haven't.

  • Dr. Emmett Brown: Marty! You've gotta come back with me!

    Marty McFly: Where?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Back to the future.

    Marty McFly: [he starts rummaging in a trash can] Wait a minute. What are you doing, Doc?

    Dr. Emmett Brown: I need fuel.

    [opening Mr. Fusion]

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Go ahead, quick. Get in the car.

    Marty McFly: No, no, no, no, Doc. I just got here, okay? Jennifer's here. We're gonna take the new truck for a spin.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: Well, bring her along. This concerns her, too.

  • Biff TannenSkinhead3-DMatch: [they're about to crash into a manure truck] SHIIIIIIIIT!

  • Old Man Peabody: [the DeLorean crashed the pine out of the fence] My PINE! WHY YOU!