Joey Shepard: [from the trailer]
Joey Shepard: I want to be/stay with Kayla
Kayla Shepard: [to her friends] I've got to get Joey
Zach Henderson: [to Kayla on leaving her brother] You can visit him on holidays
Kayla Shepard: [tickling her brother as he struggles]
Kayla Shepard: I'm a lot/much stronger than you
Screaming Boy: [crying out to onlookers as he's being dragged behind his zombie like mother] LET GO OF ME... YOU'RE NOT MY MOM
Zach Henderson: [on his mask] What are you some kind of monster
Joey Shepard: [annoyed] I'm not a monster... I'm a mutant
[last lines]
Zach Henderson: [on seeing the invading occupation worldwide] We We're Not The First
[last lines]
Kayla Shepard: [on their town] We We're The Last
Kayla Shepard: [approaching her brother sitting staring at the TV] Joey?
[last lines]
Joey Shepard: Kayla
[runs into her arms as she picks him up and cuddles him relieved he's still human]
Pastor Greg: [completely out of character... looks to Randy] You mother's a slut
[indignantly looks at Zach]
Pastor Greg: and your dad's a junkie
Zach Henderson: [to the replaced townspeople surrounding him] Of All The Towns To Invade You Pick This Place
[with a look of resignation]
Zach Henderson: Well You Know What? You Can Have It
[takes off sprinting as they give chase]
Assimilate Quotes
Extended Reading