Arlington Road Quotes

  • Oliver Lang: Never wiser than when we're children. They say it and it's true. We'll never see things that clear again.

  • Oliver Lang: [Talking about Grant] If you want to be his father, you will walk to your house, sleep in your bed, teach your classes, and live your life!

    Michael Faraday: What are you doing? How many people are you going to kill?

    Oliver Lang: Well, if I see any strange cars on my street, if you feel compelled to talk to someone, a federal agent perhaps, I imagine we're just going to kill one.

  • Oliver Lang: [Talking about Grant] He's a good kid. A strong kid. Reminds me of a boy I grew up with. Maybe you've heard of him. Oliver Lang? I found him in the woods one day. I would hate for Grant to see the same thing.

    Michael Faraday: You sick fuck!

    Oliver Lang: You're the sick fuck!

  • Oliver Lang: I'm a messenger Michael, I'm a messenger! There's millions of us, waiting to take up arms, ready to spread the word... millions of us!

    Michael Faraday: No! The government's not who you're killing!

    Oliver Lang: Yes. Yes... they'll pay. They'll pay for their sins. Their lies.

    Michael Faraday: You're killing children! Children die!

    Oliver Lang: Children... I know that. This is war, Michael. In a war, children die.

  • Oliver Lang: [about to view the explosion] Boom.

  • Oliver Lang: Michael, because of you my son is alive. I would like very much to return the favor.

  • Michael Faraday: They asked you what you stand for. You tell them, you stand for blowing up families. For orphan sons. Your father really killed himself you son of a bitch? Or is that just where you got your start?

    [steps on Lang's neck]

    Michael Faraday: Call it off.

    Oliver Lang: It's for you, Michael. We're doing this for you. It's for all of us.

    Michael Faraday: It's not for me, call it off!

    Oliver Lang: Are you happy in your godless suburban life?

    Michael Faraday: Call off the bomb! Call off the fuckin' bomb!

    [Lang smashes the walkie talkie]

    Michael Faraday: No!

    Oliver Lang: They sent your wife to her death, Michael! Surely you won't be sorry to see them go?

    [Faraday runs off]

    Oliver Lang: Go on... run. You're too late!

  • [last lines]

    Oliver Lang: Where do we go from here?

    Cheryl Lang: Someplace nice.

    Oliver Lang: I hope so.

    Cheryl Lang: Someplace safe.

    Oliver Lang: Definitely.

  • Michael Faraday: You can't ask government to be infallible, but you can ask it to be accountable.

    Oliver Lang: I can ask it to be honest.

    Michael Faraday: You know, when Leah died, all I wanted was someone to tell me, "We made a mistake." You know? "We made a mistake. Your wife suffered for it, and we'd take it back a hundred times if we could." But they don't say that. She would've.

  • Michael Faraday: You're killing children!

    Oliver Lang: Their lies, their children.

    Michael Faraday: Children die!

    Oliver Lang: This is war. In a war, children die.

  • FBI Agent Whit Carver: [last words, repeated] ... everyone, except you.

  • Oliver Lang: How was St. Louis? Dr. Scobee doing all right?

    Michael Faraday: [stammering; scared to death] I was right... I...

    Oliver Lang: You're doing it again, Michael. I told you if you want to know something about me, just ask.

    Michael Faraday: [frantic] Where's my son? Where's Grant? Where is he?

    Oliver Lang: He's with mine. They're safe. They're out on an excursion...

    Michael Faraday: [cutting him off] I saved your son's life!

    Oliver Lang: I'm sorry, what?

    Michael Faraday: I said I saved your son's life!

    Oliver Lang: I know you did. That is the reason why you're still alive.

    Michael Faraday: But... what about Brooke? Did you...

    Oliver Lang: Brooke got in the way. I'm sorry about that, but we're on a schedule.

Arlington Road

Director: Mark Pellington

Language: English Release date: July 9, 1999