Anywhere But Here Quotes

  • Annie: That summer I turned seventeen... and started planning my escape.

  • Ann: You don't have a job in the Los Angeles school district.

    Adele: I have an interview, and a great outfit.

  • Ann: I hate the Beach Boys!... They're too happy and sunny!

  • Ann: This is like being kidnapped, you don't understand that do you?

    Adele: I wish someone had kidnapped me when I was your age

    Ann: So do I

  • Adele: [to Ann] Providence, Rhode Island? Couldn't you have gotten any farther away from me?

  • Adele: [singing] Be optimistic, don't be so grumpy, when the road gets bumpy, just smile, smile, smile, be optimistic

  • Ann: Are those initials on your underwear?

    Peter: Yeah... My mom has it done. She's an initial freak.

    Ann: Take them off and bring them to me.

    Peter: I want to kiss you.

    Ann: ...Okay.

  • Adele: Where are you going?

    Ann: Japan.

  • Ann: He said not to ever do that to me again. He said that if you do he'll have you taken off to prison and locked up and you'll never ever see me again, and you'll have to eat ice-cream on your own.

    Adele: You went too far with the ice cream business. He did not say that.

    Ann: Yes, he did.

    Adele: No, he did not.

    Ann: And he wants to adopt me. He finds me very attractive.

    Adele: ...Thank you Ann, Thank you. And your fiance will be back here in 2 minutes to see if we moved the car.

  • Adele: You're not having sex with anybody are you?

    Ann: What?

    Adele: You know?

    Ann: No, I don't know.

    Adele: [Looks at her and tilts head, staring]

    Ann: [Tilts head back, staring]

  • Peter: I wrote some songs! You want to hear one?

    Ann: Not now, Peter.

    Peter: You want to feel my pulse? It's beating really fast.

  • Ann: [on the phone] Do you ever think about me?

    Hisham Badir: Ann, do you need me to help out in some way?

    Ann: What?

    Hisham Badir: Do you need some money?

    Ann: That's a terrible thing to say. I just wanted to talk to you. You're my father and I thought maybe I could see you.

    Hisham Badir: Well I thought perhaps your mother asked you to.

    Ann: [interrupts] My mother didn't ask me to do anything. Why would you say that?

    Hisham Badir: You know your mother.

    Ann: Yes I do know my mother and this isn't about your money. She has nothing to do with this.

    Hisham Badir: Ann, I don't know what to say. Look I'm in the middle of something.


    Hisham Badir: Can I?

    Ann: [crying] You're not even glad that I called are you? You don't care if you ever see me again. You don't give a damn about me, do you? You know, I'm sorry I called you.

  • Adele: [to Ann] You are a beautiful girl with great potential. I'm not going to see your future as some nothing girl in a nothing factory in a nothing town! You are 14-years old. You have always had enough to eat. You have always had a roof over your head and if you stick with me you always will because I am your mother. I know what is best for you because that is my job. Plus, you're going to go to school in Beverly Hills which is only the best school district in the United States! And you'll be a child actor while you're still a child!

  • Ann: [narrative] My mother didn't know it but I had already applied to Brown University in Rhode Island. Peter tried to talk me into going to Berkeley but my heart was set on the east coast.

  • Adele: You live in Beverly Hills?

    Gail Letterfine: No, I live in Santa Monica. Formerly from Bel Air. Formerly Brentwood. I've had a lot of formerlies in my life!


    Gail Letterfine: But I'm fine now. I'm single, I'm free, and I love it! Well, most of the time.

    Ann: Excuse me.


    Adele: She wants to be an actress.

    Gail Letterfine: [gasps] Don't they all?

  • Adele: When you were four years old your father left you in the middle of the night!

    Ann: So what! You left my stepfather in the middle of the afternoon.

  • Ann: Are those initials on your underwear?

    Peter: Yeah, my mom has that done. Initial freak.

    Ann: Take them off and bring them to me.

  • Adele: Ann! Come here, sweetie. This is Dr. Spritzer. This is my daughter, Ann.

    Josh Spritzer: Ahh, a big girl.

    Adele: Oh yes! We're more like sisters.

    Josh Spritzer: So you're the actress, I hear.

    Ann: Oh no! Not me, her. My mom. My mom's the actress.

    Adele: Silly girl, don't be shy. Dr. Spritzer's an orthodontist and he works with the actresses. He did Heather Locklear. Her teeth.

  • Benny: You've got more Mercedes cars on one street than we've got in all of Wisconsin!

  • Benny: You know what?

    Ann: What?

    Benny: Your boobs are getting big.

    Ann: Shut up!

    Benny: [giggling] Mary Girling and Julie Eastman.

    [motions boobs on his chest]

    Benny: Getting really big ones!

    Ann: Don't be gross.

    Benny: Oh, boobs aren't gross. Boobs are beautiful.


  • Adele: You never were a small-town girl.

    Ann: Thanks for knowing that, Mom.