Anything for Jackson Quotes

  • Audrey Walsh: [Audrey and Henry observe a deceased crow] Is it dead?

    Henry Walsh: Well, I'm not going to touch it, but yeah, I'd say it's dead.

  • Shannon Becker: People always say they're sorry, instead of fixing things.

  • Henry Walsh: EVERYTHING I do, I do for her.

  • Ian: [Referring to the old satanic grimoire] How much did you pay for it?

    Henry Walsh: Well... we no longer have a retirement fund.

  • [last lines]

    Rory: [possessed] Hey you did it right... Jackson's in there... and he's coming back to you

    [suddenly shoves his head into the blades of a running lawnmower... spraying body matter everywhere]

  • [last lines]

    Detective Bellows: It's okay it's all over now

    [becomes possessed]

    Detective Bellows: I just have to do this one thing

    [with an open smile she puts a gun under her chin and pulls the trigger]

  • Henry Walsh: [solemnly] You can't win a moral argument with me... I've made a deal with the devil

    Shannon Becker: You haven't made that deal yet

    Shannon Becker: [reserved] I made that deal, the day we lost Jackson

  • Ian: That unborn child is a one way ticket back for them

    Ian: It's not a private VIP... once the gate's open, every tormented soul will come crawling back

    Ian: This is your deal Henry... I'm just hear to broker it

  • Ian: But this is your deal okay... I'm just hear to broker it

    Ian: Please Don't EVER DOUBT Him In My Presence Again... Okay?

    Ian: A mother's a mother

    [last lines]

    Ian: He's coming... and there's nothing you can fucking do to stop him

    [gets dragged away by one of the lost souls]

    Ian: Henry... Henry... HENRY

  • Rory: [as a mutilated ghost to Becker] You're not taking my mother fucking kids Jenny... you're the one that cheated... Not Me

  • Detective Bellows: [as a ghost] Why are you running away Becker? I'm here to help you!