Antebellum Quotes

  • Sarah: The unresolved past can certainly wreak havoc on the present.

  • Him: [staggers out of a cabin after having just killed Eli] "Eden...!"

    Veronica: [forcefully whispers to Him after stabbing Him with his own bayonet] "My names... is Veronica!"

  • Elizabeth: [grabs cellphone belonging to Him and rolls him over to unlock the phone with facial recognition] Open your eyes, motherf**r.

    Little Blonde Girl: Uhh..

    [groans in pain from having just been stabbed a few seconds ago by Veronica]

    Elizabeth: I said open...

    [punches Him]

    Elizabeth: your motherf**ng eyes!

  • Kennedi: [seeing news program about racism] Mommy, why was that man so angry.

    Veronica: That's a really good question, baby. Sometimes what looks like anger is really just fear. Things are not always what they appear to be, baby. Does that make sense?

    Kennedi: [no]


Director: Gerard Bush, Christopher Renz

Language: English Release date: September 18, 2020