Anaconda Quotes

  • Terri Flores: Snakes don't eat people.

    Paul Serone: Oh, they don't?

    [pointing to scar down face and neck]

  • Paul Serone: Never look in the eyes, of those you kill. They will haunt you forever. I know.

  • Warren Westridge: I rather hoped I done my bit.

  • Warren Westridge: Asshole in one.

  • Gary: Is it just me or does the jungle make you really, really horny?

  • Warren Westridge: Last time I was in water like this, I was up all night picking leeches off my scrotum.

  • Paul Serone: This river can kill you in a thousand ways.

  • Gary: There's something down there.

    Paul Serone: That right.

    Gary: No, I really mean it.

    Paul Serone: I really mean it too.

  • Paul Serone: They strike, wrap around you. Hold you tighter than your true love. And you get the privilege, of hearing your bones break before the power of embrace causes your veins to explode.

  • Danny: Hurry up! I think I can blow him up!

  • Danny: That's it, man. I'm getting the hell back to L.A...

  • [Serone unravels a thirty-five foot snake skin]

    Danny: The hell is this?

    Paul Serone: Anaconda skin.

    Danny: There's snakes out there this big?

    Paul Serone: This skin is three or four years old, whatever shed it has grown since then.

  • Paul Serone: [holds up some white dust]

    Paul Serone: See this? Human bones. That's how it comes out. Ashes to ashes.

  • Paul Serone: [seeing the anaconda]

    Paul Serone: Buenos noches, beautiful.

  • [investigating a wrecked boat]

    Danny: Kinda spooky in here.

    Paul Serone: Think so?

  • Gary: You don't know shit about the shit we're in out here!

  • Terri Flores: This film was supposed to be my big break. But it turned out to be a big disaster.

  • Denise Kalberg: No, Mateo's probably just lost.

    Warren Westridge: Oh WAKE UP!

    Paul Serone: Imagine, something this big captured alive. That's worth a lot of money, Gary.

    Terri Flores: Jesus...

    Paul Serone: Please people. Don't make me out a monster. I didn't eat the captain Mateo.

  • Paul Serone: Still no Mateo.

  • Denise Kalberg: How dare you! It was you, who brought that snake? You brought the devil!

    Paul Serone: There's a devil inside everyone.

  • Paul Serone: Westridge! Take my gear up to the pilot house.

    Warren Westridge: I'm not your bloody poodle!

    Paul Serone: What are you saying?

    Warren Westridge: How dare you presume to order me about?

    Paul Serone: Presume? How you like I presume to throw you in the river? You like that presume? Huh? Take it upstairs.

    Warren Westridge: Thank you.

  • Warren Westridge: Where do you think he's gone? A walk in the woods?

  • Paul Serone: Time to wake up.

    Paul Serone: [dumps a bucket of blood on Terri and Danny]

    Paul Serone: Monkey blood.

    Terri Flores: I'm gonna kill you, Serone! I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you!

    Paul Serone: Don't get me upset.

Extended Reading
  • Yvette 2021-12-10 08:01:33

    Just remember that J.Lo has a very good texture inside, and the scene of the chimney blowing up. Others are just so mediocre.

  • Abbey 2022-03-24 09:01:54

    I didn't know why I thought the python was disgusting when I saw it.