An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power Quotes

  • Al Gore: In order to address the environmental crisis, we're going to have to spend some time fixing the democracy crisis.

  • Al Gore: [because of sea level rise] The Maldives have an enormous amount at risk. Kiribati has already purchased land to move its entire population.

  • Mr. Narendra Modi (PM of India): [at COP21] Democratic India must grow rapidly to meet the aspirations of 1.25 billion people 300 million of whom are without access to energy. Energy is a basic human need. There should be no place for unilateral steps that become economic barriers for others. So, we still need conventional energy, fossil fuel. And anything else will be morally wrong.

  • Al Gore: Ten years ago, when the movie An Inconvenient Truth came out, the single most criticised scene in that movie was an animated scene showing that the combination of sea level rise and storm surge would put the ocean water into the 9/11 memorial site, which was then under construction.

  • Al Gore: When the temperature goes up, the water vapour coming off the oceans into the sky is increasing significantly. This means that every storm is different now because it takes place in a warmer and wetter world. Water vapour if often funneled thousands of kilometers from the oceans over the land, and then much more of it falls at the same time. Look at this downpour that hit Tuscon, AZ., and watch the water splash off the city. They're now calling these things "rain bombs."