Alper: Ada, I've been through a lot. I've wasted a lot of things. Myself, life, everything. I won't get improved. I'm living with a virus in my veins. I don't want to be a part of anybody's life. And i don't want anybody to be a part of my life. This is me. This is who i was, this is who i'm going to be. There is no reason for this, so don't look for any. I wish there was, I wish I knew that reason and could change it. But I want you to know this: You were the most beautiful thing in my life. Do not forget that.
Sinem: Ada, have you fallen in love?
Ada: - Don't be ridiculous.
Sinem: - You have.
Ada: Look, I said no, didn't I? Are you off your head?
Sinem: Well, what else would you say?
Ada: Will you look at me?
Alper: I am.
Ada: No. Look properly. Feel my hand... Feel that I'm touching you.
Ada: Right on your forehead are the lines of my hand...
Ada: Can you feel them? Open your eyes... Look at me. What can you see?
Alper: You.
Ada: Yes... But you ought to see a load of things along with me.
Alper: How do you mean?
Ada: My face should change. It should become everything you love... Otherwise it's a no-no...
Ada: Keep looking... I should be more than just me now... When you look at me it's like you should capture a moment from your own life.
Ada: There should be a story... That moment, I should be everyone you love... And everything...
Ada: Hold my hand. Can you tell which is your hand now? They should become mixed up.
Ada: You should mix them up. I should become you, and you me... You should get confused...
Ada: As though you re making love to yourself...
Alper: - Ada... This is so beautiful...
Ada: - Yes...
Alper: Ada... My love...
Ada: Shhh...
Alper: Ada... I love you...
Ada: I know.
Alper: Ada... Ada...
Ada: I know, my love. There's no one. There never will be. You'll just borrow other people's kids, lives, and bodies. To be returned later... And you'll always be alone.
Alper: Right after we split up I felt light as a bird... I thought I'd done both you and me a favour... Until the smallest thing messed me up completely... That day, a miniscule hairclip of yours laughed at me. It was that morning that I realised I'd lost you... and so many other things. You'd never be there again... I'd never have this with anyone else... Life kept laughing at me. I saw similar faces to yours... felt similar smells... heard similar voices. Or I felt so. I don't know. You know what? That tiny hairclip you lost one day... but never knew where... It's still in my pocket.
Ada: Sleep seems so sweet but you don't realize you've died.
Alper: Ada... I want to break up.
Ada: I'm thinking why I'm not in the slightest bit surprised. Huh? I knew actually. I mean, I tried not to scare you but I imagine it was a waste of time. But why do people cry so much over things they already know. Right? Well, OK. I won't cry. Why did you run after me then so persistently? Huh? Why? You knew it wouldn't work, you knew you couldn't do it. So why?
Ada: You have a face with a story.
Alper: How do you mean?.
Ada: You almost have no forehead. It's like your hair couldn't wait and grow in a big rush... So you always seem to be running... Your eyes are completely the opposite. They tell you to stop for a bit... To walk one step at a time... And they really look a lot... I mean, how can I put it?. They look really deeply. And you know that. Which is why you can't look at anyone for a long time. Your beard, it's like honey... And it's kind of in-between the two. It's like, Hey, don't be so serious. We're having a good time here. Plus you have such a mature and well-structured face... it's like you were never a child. You were never a child, so you've always stayed a child...
Alper: What's the story called?
Ada: I don't know. Something blue or green... Blue Frenzy...
Alper: Drop the frenzy. Just stick to the blue.
Alper: I know people from the way they eat. You, for example, are a one-by-one kind of person. You like living life slowly, serenely and without hurrying.
Alper: You know what is the most beautiful thing about cooking is?
Ada: What?
Alper: Feeding someone... Or rather, seeing the expression on their face when they take the first mouthful there, that's like the picture of my life. Just like the kids on your wall
Alone Quotes
Jake 2022-03-27 09:01:15
I think I can understand.
Lynn 2022-03-20 09:02:31
Literary men have three treasures: red wine CDs must be overturned; Literary women have three treasures: beautiful, careful, smart. Love movies have three treasures: Encounters and parting are unforgettable. Movie audiences have three treasures: the past memories of the tissue paper cannot be omitted.