'Allo 'Allo! Quotes

  • [repeated line]

    René: You stupid woman!

  • Gen. Von Klinkerhoffen: Guards! Arrest all Gypsies driving fire engines.

  • [upon seeing Leclerc's latest disguise]

    René: Man of a thousand faces, every one the same.

  • Officer Crabtree: God Moaning. The resist-once have accqo-aired a bum. They are going to ex-plod the whaleway brodge.

  • Helga: What about the good news?

    Herr Flick: The good news is there is no more bad news.

  • René: We will stick out like a carrot in an omelet.

  • Edith: Listen carefully, Michelle said this only once.

  • Michelle Dubois: Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.

    René: Well, in that case, could you please speak slowly?

  • Lt. Hubert Gruber: You notice I am walking very gingerly.

    René: Do not tell me you have dynamite in your trousers.

    Lt. Hubert Gruber: You should not believe everything you hear, Rene.

  • [repeated line]

    Michelle Dubois: Listen very carefully; I shall say this only once.

  • Edith: Tonight I will sing as I have never sung before.

    René: What, in tune?

  • Col. Von Strom: Ah, Helga. What can we do for you?

    Capt. Hans Geering: Judging from past experience, very little.

  • [repeated line]

    Capt. Bertorelli: What a mistake-a to make-a.

  • [Rene is shaving in the bathroom when there is a knock on the door]

    Yvette Carte-Blanche: Rene, what are you doing?

    René: Cutting my throat, my love.

  • [repeated line]

    Roger Leclerc: [lifts glasses] It is I, Leclerc.

  • [in order to save René from the duel with Monsieur Alphonse, the colonel intends to have a military practice at the site and kill him in the crossfire]

    René: I don't know, is it possible to just wound him?

    Capt. Hans Geering: With a 25lb shell, 'just wounding' may be difficult.

  • Capt. Hans Geering: Rene, your wife has many talents.

    Col. Von Strom: Singing isn't one of them.

  • [Maria has disguised the airmen as waitresses, so René mimes to them that they must not go upstairs with the Germans]

    Flying Officer Carstairs: [turning to Fairfax] What was all that about?

    Flying Officer Fairfax: I think he means that if Hitler comes in and wants us to go upstairs with him, we're not to go.

    Flying Officer Carstairs: Is he like "that," then?

    Flying Officer Fairfax: Oh, yes.

    René: [to the others] And they must not speak.

    [Rene turns to the airmen and mimes that they must be silent]

    Flying Officer Carstairs: What does that mean?

    Flying Officer Fairfax: Well, if we do go upstairs with Hitler, we're not to tell anyone.

    Flying Officer Carstairs: Well, it's hardly the sort of thing you boast about, is it.

  • [repeated line]

    Officer Crabtree: Good Moaning.

  • [to Herr Flick and von Smallhausen]

    Officer Crabtree: Good moaning, Herr Flock. And von Smellhorsen.

  • [Officer Crabtree is standing inside the pissoir, using it, when it is demolished by Edith driving Lieutenant Gruber's little tank]

    Officer Crabtree: [climbing out of the rubble] There is obviously no piss for the wicked.

  • [the airmen have come downstairs, minus their mustaches, dressed as serving girls]

    Flying Officer Fairfax: Carstairs, you're standing like a tart again.

    [Carstairs drops his arm to his side]

    Edith: [looking the airmen up and down] No one will suspect them. They look just like the staff.

    René: Edith, the Germans *take* the staff upstairs from time to time. If they took these two upstairs, do you not think that their suspicions will be aroused?

    Yvette Carte-Blanche: We are much more attractive. They will take us.

    René: And suppose there is a rush?

    Flying Officer Carstairs: What are they saying, Fairfax?

    Flying Officer Fairfax: I've no idea - it's all in French.

  • [the airmen have entered the cafe disguised as pallbearers, when a squad of Germans arrive]

    Flying Officer Carstairs: What's going on?

    Michelle Dubois: [English accent] Jerries. Keep quite or you'll be shot.

    Flying Officer Fairfax: [looking down] We're wearing the right clobber for it.

  • [repeated line]

    Capt. Hans Geering: [shouts] 'tler!

  • [Edith has devised a plan to help get the airmen to the P.O.W. camp via the graveyard]

    René: Edith, if this plan fails, there will not be a wall in Nuvion big enough to shoot us all against.

  • Flying Officer Carstairs: Look at my knees

    [lifts up his "skirt"]

    René: Why is he showing you his knees?

    Michelle Dubois: He was a scrubber at ze nunnery.

    René: No wonder they threw him out.

  • [to a member of the Communist Resistance]

    Capt. Bertorelli: You are a beyoodiful lyedee, but what a cow.

  • [Michelle is disguised as a window cleaner]

    René: Hang on a minute. You have not finished my windows.

    Michelle Dubois: Screw your windows!

  • [repeated line]

    Monsieur Alfonse: Oh, my dicky ticker!

  • Officer Crabtree: I was pissing by the door when I heard a shat.

  • Officer Crabtree: I was pissing by the door, when I heard two shats. You are holding in your hand a smoking goon; you are clearly the guilty potty.

  • Gen. Von Klinkerhoffen: Heil Hitler!

    Officer Crabtree: Hole Hotler!

  • Officer Crabtree: My lips are soiled.

  • Yvette Carte-Blanche: What is happening?

    Maria Recamier: We were both aroused by the banging.

    Edith: I too was aroused by the banging.

    Roger Leclerc: I was aroused when I saw the girls with the candles.

  • Monsieur Alfonse: Perhaps Madame Edith will make me the happiest man alive...

    René: I thought you wanted to marry her?

  • Herr Flick: I have a box of sharp needles somewhere.

    [opens a drawer]

    Herr Flick: Ah, here they are.

    Helga: What have you in mind, Herr Flick?

    Herr Flick: I have an excellent gramophone and many old records of Hitler's speeches. They are quite amusing.

    Helga: Hitler's speeches quite amusing?

    Herr Flick: Played at double speed, he sounds like Donald Duck.

  • [Hans has accidentally run over Herr Flick's car with a steamroller]

    Herr Flick: This is very serious! The Gestapo is only insured for third party!

  • Herr Flick: [to the tune of the Hokey Pokey] You put your right boot in, you take your right boot out, you do a lot of shouting and you shake your fists about. You light a little smokie and you burn down ze town, zat's vot it's all about. Ah, Himmler, Himmler, Himmler...

    [cut off by telephone]

  • René: [to wife Edith] Youuuuuu stupid woman!

  • [repeated line]

    René: Oh, 'eck!

  • René: But you won't shoot me?

    Col. Von Strom: That goes without saying.

    René: I would feel better if you said it, just the same.

  • Capt. Hans Geering: Do you not see that if you kill him with the pill from the till by making with it the drug in the jug, then you need not light the candle with the handle on the gateau from the chateau!

    René: Simple plans are always the best.

  • Herr Flick: I will not be reporting this incident to Berlin. I do not wish to look a right 'nana.

  • [repeated line]

    René: [to Madame Fanny] You silly old bat!

  • Col. Von Strom: [about Hitler] Do you think he has a screw loose?

    Gen. Von Klinkerhoffen: In my opinion, a whole Meccano set is falling apart in there!

  • Lt. Hubert Gruber: Would you like to come for a ride in my little tank?

  • René: But if Herr Flick knows about that he will shoot me... slowly and painfully.

  • Officer Crabtree: [run down by a tank in the pissoir] There is obviously no piss for the wicked!

  • Renee's Mother in Law: And then we shall throw these useless old bodies into the Seine!

  • Herr Flick: I do not like General von Klinkerhoffen. He hates rats. Rats are my favourite animals. They are small, shifty and disgusting.

    [to von Smallhausen]

    Herr Flick: Just like you.

  • Renee's Mother in Law: Oh, where is your "get-up-and-go"?

    Ernest Leclerc: It has got up and gone!

  • Michelle Dubois: What do you like about Rene?

    Yvette Carte-Blanche: He just makes me feel like I'm in a film with Boris Karloff!

    Michelle Dubois: Poor girl. You should get some fresh air and eat some green vegetables.