Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Quotes

  • Anthony Cooper: Mom, do you mind?... Please

    Kelly Cooper: What? Because of this morning? It's not the first time I've seen your penis, Anthony!

    Emily Cooper: Mom saw your penis?

    Kelly Cooper: Yep! I've seen yours too, Alexander. I've seen every penis in this car!

    Ben Cooper: Every penis.

  • Video game dev: Is that a pirate blouse?

    Ben Cooper: Yarrr!

  • Philip Parker: Hey Paul!

    Paul Dumphy: Phillip my man!

    Philip Parker: Nice boobs Alexander.

  • High School Teacher: Let's go Wreck it Ralph. Principal's office now!

  • Paul Dumphy: Dude i've been looking everywhere for you. Have you heard about Phillip Parker?

    Alexander Cooper: I don't want to hear anything more about his amazing party.

    Paul Dumphy: No it's cancelled.

    Alexander Cooper: What?

    Paul Dumphy: Yeah he woke up with chicken pox. He texted me this picture these things are everywhere.

    Alexander Cooper: Oh.

    Paul Dumphy: They're even in his butt crack.

  • Anthony Cooper: Where's bumble bee?

    Kelly Cooper: Alexander murdered it so now he's going to cry all night.

  • Alexander Cooper: Hi Becky

    Becky Gibson: Hey Alexander

  • Emily Cooper: I think i broke Captain Hook's nose.

  • Ben Cooper: Whoa honey are you okay?

    Emily Cooper: No i'm not Peter Pan can't have a cold Dad.

  • Ben Cooper: Honey bumble bee is gone.

  • Alexander Cooper: It's 12:01 Melvin. It's my birthday. Do you feel alone in the world? I just wish they understood! I just wish they knew what it felt like to have a terrible horrible no good very bad day.

  • Kelly Cooper: If you hadn't left the battery out of my car all night Dick van Dyke wouldn't be mad at me Chim Chimminy wants to kill me. Can you imagine?

  • Anthony Cooper: Bro i gotta take a shower. I gotta get to school or Celia won't call me back. Oh no. No way not today. Get out dude. Get out!

  • Alexander Cooper: Why are you here?

    Anthony Cooper: Shut up.

  • Emily Cooper: What a to-do to die today at a minute or two to two. A thing distinctly hard to say but harder still to do. We'll beat a tattoo at a minute or two and a rat tat tat tat tat tattoo. And the dragon will come to the beat of the drum. At a minute or two to two today. At a minute or two to two... A big black bug bit a big black bear.

  • Alexander Cooper: So his party's not on?

    Paul Dumphy: No so everyone's coming to yours again.

    Alexander Cooper: Really?

    Paul Dumphy: Great right? His pox is your gain.

  • High School Teacher: This isn't Gossip Girl you two. Get back inside Celia.

  • Kelly Cooper: How much cough syrup did she have?

    Ben Cooper: Clearly way too much.

  • Anthony Cooper: [to Alexander throwing a ball at him while on the phone] What's your problem?

    Celia: [on the phone thinking Anthony was talking to her] Excuse me?

    Anthony Cooper: You know what, you're so annoying. Why can't you just chill out for one second. You're exhausting.

    Celia: Are you kidding?

    [hangs up]

    Anthony Cooper: Sorry, Celia. That was my idiot brother.

    [realizing Celia hung up on him]

    Anthony Cooper: Celia?

  • Anthony Cooper: Celia! Hey, Celia. Wait up. Hey, what's wrong? You haven't been answering your phone since last night.

    Celia: Why do you care? I thought I was so exhausting.

    Anthony Cooper: I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to my idiot brother.

    Celia: Whatever.

    Anthony Cooper: I tried calling you back.

    Celia: Yeah, well, I really don't feel like talking to you. I just don't think you understand the emotional responsibilities that comes from having a girlfriend.

    Anthony Cooper: Wait. Are you breaking up with me? What about tonight?

    Celia: I don't even want to go.

Extended Reading
  • Zella 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Standard family comedy, not to mention like or hate, it's pretty lighthearted.

  • Martine 2022-03-14 14:12:24

    Even terrible days aren't so bad when you surrounded by the people you love.