Adam's Apples Quotes

  • Dr. Kolberg: Adam, this makes no sense at all. I am a man of science, I believe in numbers and charts. Goddamnit, I wanna go someplace, where people die when they are sick, and don't sit in the yard eating cowboy toast when they have been shot through the head.

  • Khalid: [a lightning goes down in the church, and burns the new oven] God damnit! It was all fresh!

  • Ivan: So, what do you want to do?

    Adam Pedersen: [ironically] I wanna bake an apple pie.

    Ivan: [seriously] Okay, you'll bake an apple pie! That's your task.

  • [Esben, Holger and Jørgen approach Adam and Khalid]

    Esben: [to Adam] What the hell are you doing?

    Adam Pedersen: Picking apples.

    Esben: With a sand-nigger?

    Holger: What happened?

    Adam Pedersen: It was a lightning. It knocked down the tree.

    Esben: What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to make us look bad?

    Jørgen: What do you mean?

    Esben: You're running around talking about apple pie and climbing trees with a nigger. Are you an idiot?

    Adam Pedersen: Listen, Esben. I think you should get out of here.

    Esben: What did you say?

    Khalid: He said that you should fuck off and take your fat friend with you!

    [the skinheads look at Khalid in shock]

  • [Khalid shoots Jørgen]

    Adam Pedersen: What the hell are you doing?

    Khalid: I got stressed! You saw him, yourself! He came at me with his knee! His sociopathic knee!

    Jørgen: You shot me!

    Khalid: Yeah, there's alot of witnesses! It's not the first time he does it!

    Jørgen: You shot me!

    Khalid: I said I'm sorry, you fat bastard! Now, shut the fuck up! What do you wanna do? Argue about it?

  • Khalid: [after shooting 3 skinheads] God damnit, this is a shitty day!

  • Ivan: Evil has many faces and it can be difficult to tell them apart and choose sides. Especially these days where so many things are said in this and that town. Everything has so many nuances. Also we humans. If the game of chess had undergone the same development as humans the queen would be in front, the rooks would be crooked, and the pawn would be the main piece. We no longer know who we are and this rootlessness...

  • Ivan: Poul Baekel Hermann, known to friend and foe as Poul Nordkap, lived a long and full life. In his life Poul learned that to know God you must dance with the Devil. If any Poul Nordkap surely did that. Poul learned that it's futile to fight good because despite all the cruelty, screaming and tears he had caused in his youth he realised in the end that this was just a mere moment. The ocean heaved but it was a wasted effort. The world continued and good prevailed as always. That's why Poul can return to God with peace of mind. Adam and I were by his side when he passed quietly away. His last words were: 'I'm not afraid. I'm ready.'

Extended Reading
  • Crystal 2021-12-23 08:01:43

    Denmark is really so kind of people, and it feels like a lot of recognition. . . The script skills are still excellent, and the various symbols are in place, but Nima’s music is too annoying, deliberately

  • Joannie 2021-12-23 08:01:43

    Adam took out the apple pie from the oven and went to the hospital TAT