A Series of Unfortunate Events Quotes

  • Violet Baudelaire: Why do you hate us so much?

    Count Olaf: Because it's fun!

  • Count Olaf: [produces an hourglass] When the sand runs out, the Baudelaire fortune will be mine!

    [the sand runs out]

    Count Olaf: ...I bought it online. You need to turn it over a few times.

  • Count Olaf: In all honesty I prefer long-form television to the movies. It's so much more convenient

    [looks at camera]

    Count Olaf: to consume entertainment from the comfort of your own home.

  • [theme song]

    Count Olaf: Look away, look away! / Look away, look away! / This show will wreck your evening, your whole life, and your day! / Every single episode is nothing but dismay! / So look away! Look away, look away!

    [different verse that varies with each adventure]

    Count Olaf: Just look away! Look away! / There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way / Ask any stable person, "Should I watch?" and they will say: "Look away!" / Look away, look away! / Look away, look away! / Look away, look away! / Look away, look away! / Look away, look away! / Look away, look away! / Look away, look away! / Look away, look away!

  • [the Bad Beginning]

    Count Olaf: Three children lose their home and go to live with someone awful / He tries to steal their fortune with a plot that's not quite lawful / It's hard to fathom how the orphans managed to live through it / But how a decent person, like yourself, would even want to view it...

  • [the Wide Window]

    Count Olaf: The Baudelaires' new guardian is wracked by fear and panic / They end up on a boat that might as well be the Titanic / We polled a bunch of adults, 99% agree / There must be something happier on screen for you to see...

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Director: Barry Sonnenfeld, Mark Palansky, Allan Arkush

Language: English Release date: January 13, 2017