A Night to Remember Quotes

  • Dr. O'Laughlin: People first, things second.

  • Captain Edward J. Smith: [addressing the ship's officers and Ismay on the bridge] Gentlemen, we are in a precarious position. We must be prepared to abandon ship.

    [Officers look at each other in sheer surprise]

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Mister Murdoch, you will muster the passengers. Mister Lightoller, you will have the boats uncovered and swung out. Mister Boxhall, call all hands and get them to boat stations. Mister Moody, you will help Mister Lightoller. Mister Wilde and Mister Pitman will remain on the bridge. Everything will be done quietly and calmly. There must be no alarm and no panic. I will give the word when the boats are to loaded with the women and children. Carry on, please.

    [the officers disperse to carry out their orders]

    Ismay: Captain! Aren't you exaggerating the danger?

    Captain Edward J. Smith: I'm afraid not.

    Ismay: But... Where's Andrews?

    Captain Edward J. Smith: I am acting on his advice. This ship is going to founder.

    Ismay: But, she can't! In any case, we can't get everyone in the boats.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: [grim tone] I know that, sir. Please God, it won't come to that!

  • Mrs. Sylvia Lightoller: [as Lightoller is preparing to leave for the voyage] Do you think they'll promote you to First Officer after this trip, Bertie?

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Well, that depends whether they keep old Wilde on, or not.

    Mrs. Sylvia Lightoller: You were First on the "Majestic".

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Ah, but that was *temporary*!

    Mrs. Sylvia Lightoller: Don't you mind?

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: No. Bill Murdoch's the one with his nose out of joint this trip. Ambitious fellow, is Bill.

    Mrs. Sylvia Lightoller: So are you. You *know* you are.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Well, I'd rather be Second on the "Titanic" than First, or even Chief on any *other* ship*

  • Capt. Arthur Rostron: [Captain Rostron is urging his Chief Engineer to give him all the speed possible as they race to the rescue] Cut your heating and hot water. Cut anything you like. But I've *got* to have every ounce of steam you can give me.

  • Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Brown: [looks around Lifeboat 6 as it's being lowered] Hey, we've only got one sailor with us. That's not enough to manage this boat.

    [Calls up to the Boat Deck as other women look around and confirm her observation]

    Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Brown: Hold it there.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: [to seamen at falls] Stop lowering.

    [Calls down to the boat]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: What's the matter?

    Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Brown: Hey son. We only got one sailor in this boat!

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: [Looks around Boat Deck for any available seamen] Are there any spare hands here?

    Maj. Arthur Peuchen: [Looks around, notices there are no seamen around, and steps forward] I'll go, if you like.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Are you a sailor?

    Maj. Arthur Peuchen: I'm a yachtsman.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: [Indicates lowering ropes for the boat] If you're seaman enough to slip down that lifeline, you can go.

    [Yells down to boat]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Below.

    Hitchens: Sir.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Let's have that line.

    [the lifeline is swung towards the side of the ship. Lightoller grabs it after a couple of tries and holds it for Peuchen]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Right. Good luck.

    [Peuchen grabs the line and swings out over the edge. Lightoller watches as he lowers himself down the rope and safely into the boat. Once he's in safely, Lightoller addresses the seamen at the falls]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Lower away together.

  • Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: [after seeing Joughin step out of a boat to give a lady his place] What's the matter? Aren't you in charge of this boat?

    Chief Baker Charles Joughin: Oh, I'm no seaman, sir.

    [Indicates another member of the kitchen staff who's now at the helm]

    Chief Baker Charles Joughin: Joe can manage just as well. Ladies first, eh sir?

    [Lightoller nods approvingly at Joughin's selflessness]

  • Steerage steward: [going through the steerage corridors, rousing the passengers] Everybody up, get dressed, get your lifebelts on, at once. Everybody up, get dressed, get your lifebelts on, at once.

  • Capt. Arthur Rostron: [sees Cottam coming onto the bridge with a wireless update] Oh, what is it, Cottam?

    Wireless Operator Harold Thomas Cottam: From the "Titanic", sir. Her engine room's flooded and she's sinking by the head. Her wireless operator says he won't have the power to transmit for much longer. Her captain wants to know how long we'll be.

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: [sadly looks at clock in the wheelhouse] Tell them, another two hours.

    [Cottam wordlessly goes to relay this bad news back to "Titanic"]

  • Ismay: [trying to urge people to get in the boats] Women and children first.

    Mr. Isador Straus: [sees Ismay past and tries to get his wife to follow Ismay's directions] Please, Rachel, get in the boat.

    Col. Archibald Gracie: Yes, Mrs. Straus, you must.

    Mrs. Straus: I've always stayed with my husband, Colonel. So why should I leave him now?

    Mr. Isador Straus: Please, be sensible.

    Mrs. Straus: We have been living together for many years, Isador. Where you go, I go.

    Col. Archibald Gracie: I'm sure nobody would object to an old gentleman like Mr. Straus going in a boat. I'll ask the officer.

    Mr. Isador Straus: No! I will not go before the other men.

    Mrs. Straus: We stay.

  • Quartermaster George Thomas Rowe: [after firing off the last of the distress rockets in a desperate attempt to attract the attention of the "Californian"] That's the last one, sir.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: No reply to your signals?

    Quartermaster George Thomas Rowe: No sir. I think the bastards must be asleep.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Report to Mister Murdoch. He's shorthanded.

    Quartermaster George Thomas Rowe: Aye aye, sir.

  • Andrews: [as the ship starts sinking faster, Andrews sees Guggenheim and his valet dressed in their most formal clothing] Mister Guggenheim... Your lifebelt...

    Benjamin Guggenheim: It was uncomfortable. We have dressed now in our best, and are prepared to go down like gentlemen.

  • Capt. Stanley Lord: [discussing ice reports] Hmmmm. Just south of Cape Race.

    Second Officer Herbert Stone: I've never known pack ice to come *that* far south before, sir.

    Capt. Stanley Lord: It's been a mild winter on the Arctic. This ice must be drifting down on the Labrador Current. Well, our passengers aren't in any hurry. Wouldn't be with *us* if they were.

  • Captain Edward J. Smith: [enters the wireless cabin as the ship's end is nearing, to give Phillips and Bride a final order] It's time to go now, Phillips. You've done your duty. You can do no more. Abandon your cabin, it's everyone for himself. Look after yourselves now. I release you both. God bless you.

  • Captain Edward J. Smith: [through his megaphone to passengers and crew as the ship is beginning its final plunge] Abandon ship! Every man for himself!

  • Mrs. Clarke: [after seeing Mrs. Straus decide to remain on the ship with her husband] She's right, you see. We'll stay together too.

    Mr. Clarke: But, she's old. You're young. Please darling; I can look after myself.

    Mrs. Clarke: We both can.

  • Lady Richard: [observing the strict "Women and Children" first policy on the port side of the Boat Deck] It's absurd. On the other side the gentlemen are going in the boats with their ladies. Why on earth we're standing here, I don't know.

    Sir Richard: But... Well, there'll be room in the boats for everybody.

    Lady Richard: Of course there will.

  • Robbie Lucas: Oh, Mister Andrews?

    Andrews: Yes?

    Robbie Lucas: I'd like you to tell me something. I... I have a wife and three children on board. Just how serious is it?

    [Andrews hesitates]

    Robbie Lucas: I'm not the panicking kind.

    Andrews: The ship has about an hour to live. A little more, if some of the upper bulkheads hold, but not much more. Get your wife and children into the boats.

    Robbie Lucas: Thank you.

    [Andrews walks off]

    Robbie Lucas: Oh, Mister Andrews?

    [Andrews stops and turns around]

    Robbie Lucas: I take it you and I might both be in the same boat later?

    Andrews: [smiles sadly] Yes... We may.

  • Mrs. Liz Lucas: [Lucas returns to his stateroom after being told the situation by Andrews] Please, will you tell me what's going on Robert? People have been rushing about, and noises overhead...

    Robbie Lucas: It's very tiresome. We've struck an iceberg and damaged the ship. We may be a day late getting into New York.

    Mrs. Liz Lucas: Oh, that is annoying.

    Robbie Lucas: And, to make matters worse, the captain is being very fussy and correct. All women and children have to go up on deck and get into the lifeboats.

    Mrs. Liz Lucas: Oh no.

    Robbie Lucas: I'm afraid so, dear.

    Mrs. Liz Lucas: But I don't want to wake the children. Is it really necessary?

    Robbie Lucas: Yes!

    [very somber tone]

    Robbie Lucas: I... I believe we should do as the captain says.

  • Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall: [after the "Californian" still hasn't taken any apparent notice of the distress rockets being fired] What's the matter with him, is he *blind*?

  • Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall: [peering through his binoculars as he and Rowe are desperately trying to contact the "Californian" through rockets and the morse lamp] Maybe someone tried to signal, but I can't make any sense out of it.

    Quartermaster George Thomas Rowe: Could be a masthead light flickering, couldn't it sir?

    Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall: [frustrated and angry at the other ship's blindness] If I had a gun, I'd put a *shell* into him-!

  • Mr. Yates: [approaches a woman as she's about to get into a lifeboat] Madam?

    [She turns in surprise as he hands her an envelope]

    Mr. Yates: If I don't get through, will you send this to my sister? The address is on it.

  • Andrews: They're clearing away two of the collapsible boats, if they succeed, I'm sure they'll be a place for you in one of them.

    Mr. Clarke: See, you can still go. Please darling.

    Mrs. Clarke: No. We've started out together and we'll finish together. Are you married Mr. Andrews?

    Andrews: Yes, and if my wife were here I'd think she would go.

    Mrs. Clarke: Do you have a family?

    Andrews: Yes.

    Mrs. Clarke: Then it would make a differance then wouldn't it?

    Andrews: Perhaps. Let my give you some advice, put your lifebelts on and lower yourself down using the ropes hanging over the side. Don't jump if you can avoid it. When you're in the water swim away from the ship at once, and be well clear of her when she sinks.

    Mr. Clarke: Thank you, we'll remember.

    Mr. Clarke: I wonder if he will save himself?

    Mrs. Clarke: We'll save ourselves.

  • [watching the half-filled lifeboats being launched]

    Crewman: If they're sending boats away, why don't they put some *people* in them?

  • [inside the turbine engine room]

    Chief Engineer Joseph Bell: I'll have to cut down more steam.

    Engineer: I'll have to get rid of some of the low watt systems.

    Chief Engineer Joseph Bell: Well, you can cut the boiler room fans for a start. They're using too much electricity.

    Engineer: That'll help.

    Chief Engineer Joseph Bell: Good.

    Engineer: How are things up top, sir? Any chance for us?

    Chief Engineer Joseph Bell: Whatever happens, we've got to keep the lights going. I'll give the word when it's time to go and then it's every man for himself. But it woun't be too long. I heard that the Carpathia is on her way to us. She should reach us any time now.

    [Bell exits]

    Engineer: [to the crewmen] Let's hope they're right, boys. If any of you feel like praying, you'd better go ahead. The rest of you can join me for a cup of tea.

  • Apprentice James Gibson: Looked like a rocket sir.

    Second Officer Herbert Stone: Yes. I wonder what a ship like that would want to fire rockets for?

  • Mr. Hoyle: [seeing the list the ship has taken on, when he observes the contents of his drinking glass are at an angle] I don't know if you gentlemen have noticed it, but, uh, this ship has got quite a list on it now. That's not right.

  • Sixth Officer James Moody: Sorry, only one more lady.

    Edith Evans: You go first, you have children waiting at home.

    Mrs. Brown: NO! I...

    Sixth Officer James Moody: Quickly ladies! We haven't got much time.

    [the woman, Mrs. Brown, steps in]

    Sixth Officer James Moody: Still here Miss Evans? We'll get you off in the next boat.

    Edith Evans: Thank you.

    [Miss Evans looks around and sees that there are no more lifeboats left]

  • Hitchens: We got no water, no compass, no charts.

    Margaret Brown: Oh, shut up.

  • Andrews: [Andrews is looking at the ship's blueprints as he describes the damage to the Captain] Here's the position: we have water in the forepeak; numbers 1 and 2 holds; the mailroom; and boiler rooms 6 and 5. That means a gash 300 feet long, from there to there...

    [indicates gash with a pencil on the blueprint]

    Andrews: Below the waterline. Do you agree?

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Yes. Well?

    Andrews: The pumps are keeping the water down in this boiler room, Number 5, but the first five compartments are flooding.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Well, what's the answer?

    Andrews: She's going to sink, Captain.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: But... She can't sink. She's unsinkable.

    Andrews: She can't float. Look... she can float with any three of her first five compartments flooded. She could even float with four of them gone. But she can't float with ALL of the first five full up.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Yes, but...

    Andrews: [cuts him off] These watertight bulkheads here only go as high as E Deck. The weight of the water in the bow is going to pull her down by the head. So, you're going to get the fifth compartment overflowing into the sixth... the sixth into the seventh... and so on, as she gets lower. It's a mathematical certainty. With that amount of underwater damage she can't stay afloat.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: How long will she last?

    Andrews: [starts doing figures on a scratch pad] Just trying to work that out, now. As far as I can see, she made 14 feet of water in the first ten minutes after the collision. That's not very fast. She should live... another... hour and a half. Yes. About that, I should think.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: There must be no panic.

    Andrews: No.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: You'll be careful of what you say to the passengers.

    Andrews: Of course... How many people are there on board?

    Captain Edward J. Smith: 2,200, or more. And room in the boats for...? How many?

    Andrews: 1,200.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: I don't think the Board of Trade regulations ever visualized this situation. Do you?

  • Captain Edward J. Smith: [hurrying to the bridge immediately after the collision] What is it?

    First Officer William Murdoch: Iceberg sir. I put her hard-a-starboard and reversed the engines, but she was too close.

  • Engineer: She's making water fast sir. The mail hold's practically full already.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Aren't the pumps working?

    First Officer William Murdoch: Yes sir.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: [indicates engineer can return to his job] Thank you.

    Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall: The engine room says they'll need more. They're rigging them now.

    Ismay: This is most unfortunate, Captain.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Yes sir.

    Ismay: Do you think the ship is seriously damaged?

    Captain Edward J. Smith: I'm afraid she is.

    [sees Andrews arrive on the bridge]

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Excuse me.

    Ismay: [to Murdoch] How long is this likely to delay us?

    First Officer William Murdoch: Not long, I expect, sir.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: [to Andrews, quietly] We've struck a berg. I think she's badly damaged. I would like to know *how* badly.

    Andrews: Right. I'll go down and have a look.

  • Lookout Frederick Fleet: [spots iceberg, rings warning bell and picks up bridge phone]

    Sixth Officer James Moody: [picks up receiver on bridge] What did you see?

    Lookout Frederick Fleet: Iceberg. Dead ahead, sir.

    Sixth Officer James Moody: [repeats to Murdoch] Iceberg, dead ahead sir.

    First Officer William Murdoch: [looks out bridge window, sees the berg and calls into the wheelhouse speaker] Hard-a-starboard.

    Hitchens: [repeats order as he turns wheel] Hard-a-starboard, sir.

    First Officer William Murdoch: [to Moody] Full-astern both.

    Sixth Officer James Moody: [Moody repeats as he pulls the engine-room telegraph handles to full-speed astern] Full-astern both, sir.

    First Officer William Murdoch: [looks out window again, then turns to other Seaman on the bridge] Close watertight doors.

    Seaman: [repeats order and moves to watertight door control switches] Close watertight doors, sir.

    Hitchens: [calls from wheelhouse] Hard-a-starboard it is, sir.

  • Wireless Operator Harold Thomas Cottam: [bursts into Captain Rostron's cabin] Sir! SIR!

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: [waking up with a start] What the devil's going...?

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: [rolls over and sees Cottam]

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: [annoyed] Haven't you learned to *knock* before coming in here?

    Wireless Operator Harold Thomas Cottam: It's a distress call, sir! From the Titanic. She's *sinking*!

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: [gives Rostron the paper with the distress message]

    Officer: [comes into cabin to apologize for the intrusion] I'm sorry sir, I...

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: [reads message and gives Cottam a long look] Mister Dean, turn the ship 'round. Head northwest. I'll work a course out for you in a minute.

    Officer: Aye, aye sir.

    Officer: [rushes away to carry out the orders]

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: [gets out of bed] Now, Cottam, you're sure this is the *Titanic*?

    Wireless Operator Harold Thomas Cottam: Yes sir.

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: You're certain?

    Wireless Operator Harold Thomas Cottam: Absolutely.

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: All right. Check back. Find out *everything* you can. Tell them we're coming as *fast* as *possible*!

    Wireless Operator Harold Thomas Cottam: Yes sir!

    Wireless Operator Harold Thomas Cottam: [rushes back to his wireless equipment as Rostron goes to get dressed]

  • Martin Gallagher: [on top of the upturned lifeboat] There's one back here dead, sir.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Are you certain?

    Mr. Murphy: Yes sir.

    Martin Gallagher: We are, sir.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Right. Lower him over the side.

    [gives orders on trimming the boat as the body is lowered over]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Lean left. Lean left. Gently. Gently.

    Man on upturned lifeboat: All right for the baker to come aboard now sir?

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Yes. Pull him in.

    [gives balancing orders again as Joughin is pulled on]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Lean right. Lean right. Steady.

    Chief Baker Charles Joughin: [after being pulled on] Thank you, sir.

  • Col. Archibald Gracie: [looks at rockets being fired by the Carpathia as he and Lightoller sit in the stern of a lifeboat] Will that be the Carpathia?

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: [silently nods in the affirmative]

    Col. Archibald Gracie: Aren't you glad to see her?

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Yes I'm glad. But then, *I'm* still *alive*.

    Col. Archibald Gracie: If only she'd been nearer.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: There are quite a lot of "ifs" about it; aren't there, Colonel?

    [turns and shouts to another lifeboat they're towing]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Keep up, quartermaster. Keep that line slack.

    [turns to address Colonel Gracie again]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: If we'd been steaming a few knots slower, or if we'd sighted that berg a few seconds earlier, we might not even have struck. If we'd been carrying enough lifeboats for the size of the ship instead of just enough to meet the regulations, things would have been different again, wouldn't they?

    Col. Archibald Gracie: Maybe. But *you* have nothing to reproach yourself with. You've done all any man could and more. You're not...

    [stops himself]

    Col. Archibald Gracie: I was about to say, you're not *God*, Mister Lightoller.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: *No* seaman ever thinks he is! I've been at sea since I was a *boy*. I've been in sail. I've even been *shipwrecked* before. I *know* what the sea can *do*! But, *this* is different-!

    Col. Archibald Gracie: Because we hit an iceberg?

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: No- Because we were so *sure*! Because even though it's *happened*, it's *still* unbelieveable! I don't think *I'll* ever feel *sure* again, about *anything*!

  • Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: [comes onto Carpathia's bridge] Sir?

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: We're at the place now. I thought you'd like to see for yourself.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Oh yes. Thank you, sir.

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: We've only found one body, I'm afraid. The rest must have been carried further on by the current. Of course, we'll go on searching for survivors until we turn back to New York.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Yes sir. How many...?

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: The purser's checked the figures now. We have on board 705 survivors. Several of those in the boats were dead, I'm afraid.

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: 1500 lost.

    Capt. Arthur Rostron: That's right, yes.

  • Andrews: Why have we stopped?

    Sixth Officer James Moody: Bit of trouble, sir. With the Captain's compliments, will you please join him on the bridge?

    Andrews: Now?

    Sixth Officer James Moody: If you please, sir.

  • Dining saloon steward: [Right after the collision, the saloon stewards are discussing what might have happened] I tell you, she's thrown a propellor blade. I was in the old Majestic when the same thing happened... We'll be going back to Belfast, you'll see.

  • Capt. Stanley Lord: [after stopping the Californian at the edge of an ice field] That's field ice, Mister Groves. I'm not trying to find my way around that until daylight.

  • Assistant Wireless Operator Harold Bride: [Bride is awakened by the din on deck following the collision] What's up?

    Wireless Operator John 'Jack' Phillips: Ahhhh. We're stopped and blowing off steam. Something's wrong, I don't know what. Run into a bit of ice, I think.

  • Wireless Operator Cyril Evans: Hear it?

    [hands Groves his headphones]

    Wireless Operator Cyril Evans: That's the "Titanic".

    Third Officer Charles Groves: [listens then gives the headphones back to Evans] What's she saying?

    Third Officer Charles Groves: "Best wishes to Joe and Hattie. Wish you were here. See you Wednesday. Love Myra and Bill". Private stuff. Yes, there must be a lot of money on that ship. He's been at it the best part of the day.

  • Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Listen to this, Sylvia.

    [reads from magazine]

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: The new White Star Liner "RMS Titanic", the largest vessel in the world. It is not only in size, but also in the luxury of her appointments that the "Titanic" takes first place among the big steamers of the world. By the provision of Vinolia Auto Toilert Soap for her First Class passengers the "Titanic" also leads as offering a higher standard of toilet luxury and comfort at sea.


    Mrs. Sylvia Lightoller: Let me see.

    [takes paper]

  • Mr. Bull, man on train: [discussing the ship] You're joining her at Liverpool, I take it?

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: No sir, Belfast. Then we sail down to Southampton.

    Mr. Bull, man on train: Ahhh, how I envy you. The newspapers say she's a virtual floating city. Symbol of progress; of man's final victory over nature and the elements.

  • Chief Engineer Joseph Bell: [evacuating a flooding boiler room] Up the ladders, boys. Come on. Up top!

  • [at a blocked gate to the Second Class area]

    Mr. James Farrell: We need to get through!

    Steward: You can't come this way. This is not the way to the Steerage boat deck, I told you!

    Martin Gallagher: Which is the way then?

    Seaman at steerage gate: They'll be opening the lower deck ports when the orders are given.

    Martin Gallagher: [sarcastic] Oh, they will, won't they? We'll see about that.

  • Engineer: [the engineers keep working knowing it is unlikely they will survive] If any of you feel like praying you'd better go ahead. The rest of you can join me in a cup of tea.

  • Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Brown: Leadville Johnny, they call him. And he was the best golderned gold miner in Colorado! Fifteen I was when I married him.

    First Class Passenger: Really?

    [in deep upper-class British accent]

    Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Brown: Uh-hmm. And he didn't have a cent. Well, three months later later he struck it rich and we was millionaires. Do you know what he did?

    First Class Passenger: No?

    Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Brown: He built me a house and he had silver dollars cemented all over the floors of every room!

    First Class Passenger: I say, how very tiresome for you!

  • [Chief Engineer Bell is observing several stokers and other crewmen haul long tubes into a flooding boiler room]

    Crewman: What's the use, chief? All the pumps in Belfast would never keep that water down.

    Chief Engineer Joseph Bell: That may be so, but the longer we can keep her afloat the more lives will be saved. So put your backs into it!

  • Closing crawl: But this is not the end of the story - -For their sacrifice was not in vain. Today there are lifeboats for all, unceasing radio vigil and, in the North Atlantic, the International Ice Patrol guards the sea lanes, making them safe for the peoples of the world.

  • John Wesley Woodward: Woodward "what's the use no one's listening?"

    John Wesley Woodward: Hartley "People don't listen when they're eating, but we play just the same, isn't that so sir?"

    Andrews: Andrews "they say it helps the digestion."

    Wallace Hartley - Orchestra Leader: Hartley "exactly that's because it soothes the nerves."

    Wallace Hartley - Orchestra Leader: Hartley: "right, Number 24." Number 24 is Chopin's Funeral March, a dirge

  • Assistant Wireless Operator Harold Bride: Captain? I got some good news. We've contacted the Carpathia eastbound from New York. She's on her way to us.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: How far away is she?

    Assistant Wireless Operator Harold Bride: 58 miles. She's making all possible speed and should be with us in just under four hours.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Four hours... Wait, you see a light out there. Isn't she replying?

    Assistant Wireless Operator Harold Bride: [sees the light from the Californian in the distance] No, sir. She'd blast our ears off if she did. Maybe she can't keep a 24 hour watch. Or maybe she hasn't got wireless at all, sir.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Thank you, Bride.

  • Captain Edward J. Smith: Well, Phillips?

    Wireless Operator John 'Jack' Phillips: Another update from the Carpathia. She's increased speed and is now making 17 knots and she should rendezvous with us earlier than expected at around 3:30.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: [looks at his wristwatch] Still... that'll be too late! There must be somebody nearer. Keep trying.

    Wireless Operator John 'Jack' Phillips: Yes, sir.

    [Smith exists as Bride enters]

    Assistant Wireless Operator Harold Bride: I got you a lifejacket.

    Wireless Operator John 'Jack' Phillips: Thanks, put it over there.

    Assistant Wireless Operator Harold Bride: They're growing in short supply, so these may be the last few around.

  • Captain Edward J. Smith: Any more news Phillips?

    Wireless Operator John 'Jack' Phillips: Nothing fresh, sir. The Carpathia is now about 30 miles out and coming as fast as she can. The Olympic wanted to know if we were steaming south to meet her, and the Frankfort keeps asking for more details! Those idiots! They don't seem to understand our situation, sir.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Can't be easy for them. The engine room is flooding. You won't have power to send very much longer. Tell the Carpathia.

    Wireless Operator John 'Jack' Phillips: Yes, sir.

    Captain Edward J. Smith: Tell her to hurry.

  • Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Brown: What was that?

    Hitchens: A falling star, a flash of lightning.

    Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Brown: Lightning, my foot! That was a rocket!

A Night to Remember

Director: Roy Ward Baker

Language: English,Russian,Polish,German,Italian Release date: December 16, 1958