[Wallace and Gromit are in the baker's van]
Wallace: How's that breakfast coming on?
[Gromit presses a button on the car radio and a slice of cremated toast pops out from the cassette slot]
Wallace: Well done, lad.
[looks at the burnt toast]
Wallace: *Very* well done.
Wallace: But Piella, you're the Bake-O-Lite girl!
Piella Bakewell: *Was* the Bake-O-Lite girl. I ate too much, you see.
Wallace: Oh, really?
Piella Bakewell: I couldn't ride the balloon anymore.
Wallace: Oh dear.
Piella Bakewell: So they dropped me.
Wallace: What a blow. Ooh!
Piella Bakewell: ME! A curse on bakers and their loathsome confections!
Wallace: Farewell, my angel cake. You'll always be my Bake-O-Lite Girl.
Wallace: I've got a bomb in me pants!
Wallace: oh, what a relief!
A Matter of Loaf and Death Quotes
Extended Reading