A Long Way Down Quotes

  • Jess: JJ, I'm a professional liar, you're not even a competent one.

  • Martin: I underestimated how much they hate me.

  • Jess: [describing the "vision"] He looked like Matt Damon! And he was naked!

    Penny: Matt Damon? Tell me more!

  • Jess: Are we in a gang?

    Martin: This is not a gang.

  • JJ: I don't mind the pain. It's the hope that kills me.

  • Martin: We belong together, we're a team I mean we're the worst team the world has ever know and if I were picking none of you would have made it to the subs bench but still.

  • Martin: I wasn't aware this was a competition.

  • JJ: You see, all Jess needs is to feel important. Maureen, she needs to feel... loved. And you, you just... you just need to grow a brain.

    Martin: Fair enough.

  • Martin: You know how I feel when I wake up in the morning? Humiliated. How do I feel at lunch time? Humiliated. My life flows in a steady stream of humiliation. I'm not sad, not angry, just humiliated.

  • [first lines]

    Martin: Anyway, to cut a long story short, I decided to kill myself. That's the trouble with suicides, I've learned you can't cut the long story short, because it's the long story that people are interested in. Especially if you're me, which regrettably I was, and still am to this day. So, forgive me if you already knew this, but I'm Martin Sharp, the man who had everything. One wife, two children, three dogs, at least four People's Choice Awards, and five mornings a week on the most successful breakfast show in Britain. They were even offering me Mondays off. So far, so good. I had reached middle-age, unscathed, with money in the bank. Until I met Suzy Jenkins at a launch for a new men's moisturizer. All I can say in my defense, Your Honor, is she looked 25 to me.

  • Jess: You're getting a thrill out of this, aren't you, you pervert! Oh my God, you're Martin Sharp! You *are* a pervert.

  • Martin: Has anyone ever told you you're a bit of an idiot?

    Chris: I'm a politician, that's all they *ever* tell me.

  • Martin: [about Jess] Genuinely, I don't know how you've survived her.

    Chris: Ear plugs.

  • JJ: However much I do change, I'm left with me.

  • JJ: My therapist told me story, true story, about this guy who survived jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.

    Jess: It's an anecdote, not strictly a story.

    JJ: The moment he jumped, he realized that the only thing in his life he couldn't fix was the thing he'd just done. I mean, can you imagine those 5 seconds as he fell. The agony of that. Well, to me, it feels like I fell without falling, because of you guys. I had my 5 seconds up on that roof, and not in the air.

  • [Jess is walking away]

    Chris: [to Jess] *Martin doesn't want my money.*

    [to Martin]

    Chris: You don't, do you?

  • Jess: Can you walk beside me, not behind me 'coz my arse isn't my best feature.

  • JJ: Just a bunch of desperate people being desperate together as a way of feeling a little less desperate.

  • [Jess is hiding in JJ's hotel room's bathtub]

    Jess: Okay, now I'm gonna say something.

    JJ: [scared] Oh fuck!

    Jess: Because if I wait and say nothing and then you spot me after you've pissed, I think that'll probably be worse.