A Dark Song Quotes

  • Joseph Solomon: [laughing] You've been lookin' shit up on the internet? No, really this is - Gnosticism.

    Sophia Howard: I was told it was based on the Kabbalah.

    Joseph Solomon: It's there as grammar. A structure. The Kabbalah's an exploration o' God. We're doing something much darker.

  • Joseph Solomon: [shouts] Don't throw it up, keep it down! *Keep* it down!

    [more calmly:]

    Joseph Solomon: Drink it.

    [short pause]

    Joseph Solomon: It's a blood sacrifice - This is your choice.

    Sophia Howard: But I did.

    Joseph Solomon: [shouting] No! Drink it! Look, it's starting to congeal!

  • Joseph Solomon: Look at you.

    Sophia Howard: Don't you need your books?

    Joseph Solomon: [shakes his head] No.

    Sophia Howard: But just isn't it part of...

    Joseph Solomon: [raising his voice] D'y know what you're fuckin' doin'?

    Sophia Howard: No.

    Joseph Solomon: [shouts] Well shut up then!

    Sophia Howard: Sorry.

    Joseph Solomon: Sorry Mr Solomon.

    Sophia Howard: Sorry, Mr Solomon.

    Joseph Solomon: Take off your jeans.

  • Joseph Solomon: [enjoying a smoke] Why do you ask? Does the - question bother you? It's actually a bit of an ontological issue.

    Sophia Howard: You know what I mean.

    Joseph Solomon: I would say no. We're not tryin' to *hurt* anyone. But - We're doin' dark things.

    Sophia Howard: And would you do black magic?

    Joseph Solomon: [smiling] There's no point in goin' to the fairground if you don't go on any of the rides!

    Sophia Howard: Have you *seen* much?

    Joseph Solomon: H-hoo. I've seen things. I've seen gods. Demons. I let gods rain silver on me. And the dead and the damned - Most of us are damned you know?

    Sophia Howard: Have you seen anything that *scared* you?

    Joseph Solomon: It all scares me.

  • Joseph Solomon: I'm 'avin' the bedroom with the bed in it... You will cook and clean... You do know what we're takin' on.

    Sophia Howard: Yes.

    Joseph Solomon: You know the dangers.

    Sophia Howard: I do.

    Joseph Solomon: This is a serious undertakin'. It's not fuckin' - astral projection or runes. This is real stuff we're playin' with. Real angels real demons.

    Sophia Howard: I know this.

    Joseph Solomon: You read cunts on the internet sayin' it's - just mental states. That your, that your guardian angel's your higher self. Psychobabble bollocks. You'll go for days without sleep - fastin', backbreakin' rites, ritual sex... You'll be at the very edge. Are you er, ready for all that - darlin'?

    Sophia Howard: I am. I've read up on the Kabbalah.

    Joseph Solomon: [laughs] You don't think this is a tree of sephirots? 'Cause, 'cause it's not.

A Dark Song

Director: Liam Gavin

Language: English,French,German Release date: April 28, 2017

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