A Blonde in Love Quotes

  • [repeated lines]

    Milda: I don't have a girl in Prague. I don't have a girl in Prague.

  • [from subtitles file]

    Milda's Father: [to Milda's mother, after Andula arrives unannounced] Haven't I always said your son is nuts? Here's your proof.

  • [from subtitles file]

    Andula: [naked, reluctant to have sex with Milda] But I don't trust you.

    [a short time later, while having sex with Milda]

    Andula: I do trust you. I've never trusted anyone so much before.

  • [from subtitles file]

    Milda: [after Andula gently kicks him in the shin] You know, I could get gangrene and die.

  • [from subtitles file]

    [Late at night, Andula arrives to Prague. Milda isn't home]

    Milda's Mother: He didn't say where he was going or when he'd be back.

    Milda's Father: You should maybe try and find him on your own.

  • Plukovník: Look here, if we look at the map, then from our point of view it's not advantageous to put the army in this area, to have troops here. We understand your reasons.

    Pokorný: Yes, of course.

    Plukovník: We have the same duties and problems in the army too.

    Pokorný: You have yours and we have ours. Look at that. So, you have the map. That's your stand point, right? That's your point. But what you don't know is that some 2,000 girls live in this area. Girls without boyfriends. We've got 16 girls to every boy here. Girls are like rosebuds. You get me? That's youth. And youth needs what you used to need, Comrade Major, and myself, and the others too, see?

    Plukovník: In our youth.

    Pokorný: That's right. So you have your opinion and all you have is a map; but, I have the lives of all those young people. Think about it. A girl works in the plant for eight hours at the machine. She leaves the factory. Then what? She gets something to eat. Right? And then she has nobody to caress her. Nobody to kiss her. So, now think what happens if there's no war for 50 years. No war - which is what we're all fighting for, including yourself, Comrade Major. You're fighting for the same thing. What if there's no war for a hundred years?

  • Zdena: [singing] So this great love of mine, Turned me into a hooligan. I whisper in her little ear, Let's go to the movies, And she says: Yeah, man, It's a stupid movie, And I love her so...

  • Andula: I'm going right now.

    Milda: Come up, just for a while.

    Andula: No.

    Milda: Just to chat, I promise.

    Andula: No. I have to go.

    Milda: Come up, just for a moment!

    Andula: No.

    Milda: Wait. At least let me read your palm, all right?

  • Andula: [naked in bed] Why did you say I was angular?

    Milda: I said you were angular?

    Andula: Yes, you did.

    Milda: Well, because you're angular.

  • Milda: [naked in bed] Some women are round, like a guitar, like this. And you - look like a guitar too, but one made by Picasso.

    Andula: What's that?

    Milda: A painter. When painting a woman, he painted her eye here.

    [points to his shoulder]

    Milda: And her leg somewhere else.

    [Andula giggles]

    Milda: I could tell you about lots of other pictures. Or he painted fingers like this.

    Andula: That's weird.

    Milda: Yeah, weird.

    Andula: But I'm not like that?

    Milda: No.

    Andula: Is that good or bad?

    Milda: What?

    Andula: That I am like the Picasso guitar?

    Milda: Well, that's good.

  • Milda's Mother: Incredible! She shows up late at night at his parents' place. Did Milda say he was expecting her?

    Milda's Father: I asked nothing and he offered nothing.

  • Milda's Mother: I didn't even know he was going steady.

    Milda's Father: Yeah, like the boy is going to tell you about his girlfriends.

    Milda's Mother: Will you stop watching that TV! I can't stop thinking about it. I can't do anything. I can't even sew. Can't get it off my mind. I'm worried about him. This is no small matter. Finds himself a girl, God knows where. Did she tell you where she lived?

    Milda's Father: I didn't ask.

    Milda's Mother: He'll end up having to marry her and we don't even know where she's from. You know what happens with marriages like that. Six months later, it's over. And the kids are the ones who suffer.

    Milda's Father: He hasn't mentioned marriage and you're worried about the kids! Don't make such a fuss about it.

    Milda's Mother: This is awful.

  • Milda's Father: Who am I to probe into her personal life?

    Milda's Mother: You could have taken a close look.

    Milda's Father: I did; but, I didn't see anything. What was I supposed to see?

  • Milda's Mother: Who knows how this will turn out?

  • Milda's Mother: [to Andula] You can't stay here with us. Poppa, what do you say?

    Milda's Father: If he invited her, we'll look after her until he gets home. We're not gonna throw her out. We'll make room for her.

    Milda's Mother: You keep out of it. That won't work. What would people say? A girl comes to see Milda and we let her stay the night?

    Milda's Father: Would you kick her out on the street?

    Milda's Mother: Keep out of this.

  • Milda's Mother: If you were a decent father you'd slap him for coming in so late!

  • Milda: I'm going out there.

    Milda's Mother: Don't you dare or I'll slap you, too!

  • Milda's Father: Don't stretch out or I'll smack you one!

  • Milda's Father: One more second and I'll toss you out of this bed!

    Milda: Gladly! Do it!

    Milda's Father: Out you go. Hurry up!

    Milda's Mother: No way. Who gives orders around here? You're sleeping here.

  • Milda's Mother: You're driving me crazy! You'll be the end of me, wretched boy. You're terrible. You'll be the death of me.

    Milda's Father: For God's sake, will you go to sleep?

    Milda's Mother: Who'll take care of you then?

    Milda: Mom, go to sleep. I'll do the dishes for you tomorrow.

    Milda's Mother: [sarcastically] Oh, I can't wait.

  • Comrade Teacher: Girls, look. A girl's honor isn't just talk. It really exists. If you keep treating it the way you do, don't be surprised if boys treat you badly. If you go out with a different boy every day, they talk about it. Your whole life lies ahead of you. You want to be happy. You want to marry a good boy who will love you forever. But you have to deserve it. Think about it.