• Gary Hook: Hey, listen, I don't want you worried about me, okay? I'll be fine, promise you.

  • Eamon: I'm not going to lie to you.

    [pauses for several seconds]

    Eamon: This is going to hurt like a fucker.

  • Captain Sandy Browning: [as the lieutanant and corporal barge into his office] Not now, Lieutenant, we're busy.

    Lt. Armitage: I wondered if we could help with...

    Captain Sandy Browning: [firmly] We are busy, Lieutenant.

    Lt. Armitage: I do understand that, sir.

    Corporal: [abruptly] Why aren't you out there lookin' for him?

    Captain Sandy Browning: What?

    Corporal: Why aren't you out there lookin' for him?

    Captain Sandy Browning: Who?

    Corporal: Hook. Private Hook. You probably know where they're taking...

    Captain Sandy Browning: [shouts suddenly and gets up from the desk] Don't you fuckin' dare! I'm your fucking senior officer! Stand up straight!

    [glares at the corporal and then says quietly to Armitage]

    Captain Sandy Browning: You need to learn to control your men, Lieutenant. I am not here to clean up your fucking mistakes. Your men, your fucking responsibility, not mine.

    Captain Sandy BrowningLt. Armitage: [nervously] I'm asking for your help.

    Captain Sandy Browning: [tosses Hook's dog tags to him] There you go. There's my help.

    Lt. Armitage: Is he dead?

    Captain Sandy Browning: We do not know. The situation is confused, to say the least. Now if you do not mind, we have work to do. Off you go.

  • C.O.: [after Lt. Armitage told him about Sergeant Leslie Lewis attempt to kill Gary Hook] It was a confused situation. In these circumstances, what you saw, what you think you saw, can be a very different thing to what actually happened. Do you understand?

    Lt. Armitage: [Silence] .

    C.O.: [firmly] Do you understand?

    Lt. Armitage: Yes, sir.

  • Mother in Raided House: For God's sake, will you never leave us alone?

  • Eamon: [about the army] posh cunts telling thick cunts to kill poor cunts.

  • Eamon: You've been in the army for long?

    Gary Hook: No.

    Eamon: I was in the army myself... medic... 20 years... posh cunts... telling thick cunts... to kill poor cunts... that's the army for you. It's all a lie... they don't care about you... you're just a piece of meat to them... piece of meat. Get yourself some rest son...

Extended Reading
  • Ophelia 2022-03-16 09:01:05

    A male protagonist who is neither a father nor a mother...Reading the film review to add some historical knowledge, the current situation is really too complicated! The part of the gunfight in the alley was very impressive and the soundtrack was appropriate.

  • Florian 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    There will always be someone who sees himself as the righteous side, and it all turns out to be lovable and charming villains.