3 Generations Quotes

  • [First lines]

    Ray: [narrating] Every year I blow on my candles and I make the same wish. I wish I was a boy.

  • Dr. Brillstein: Periods have never been easy on young men.

  • Dolly: What about trying something alternative?

    Maggie: What? Like acupuncture?

  • Maggie: You can't reappropriate a word that doesn't apply to you.

    Ray: [laughs] I'm a boy with tits. I can reappropriate whatever I want.

  • Maggie: I don't know anything about boys or men. It's not like I had any role model.

    Dolly: You had me.

  • Craig: I'm sorry if you're this way because of me.


    Craig: Are you this way because of me?

    Ray: I'm a lot of things because of you. This isn't one of 'em.

  • Maggie: Can you go over to your room


    Maggie: someone's room.

  • Ray: [narrating] My whole life I've searched my body for scars because I know a part of me is missing. Everyone assumes that who I am is connected to who they thought I was when I was born. They're wrong.

  • [Last lines]

    Maggie: [Ray is shooting on his phone] Sweetheart, will you please put that down.

    Ray: I'm proud of you.

    Maggie: [inaudible] I'm proud of you.

  • Dolly: They say you turn into your mother.

  • Dolly: Having sex with women doesn't mean you're open-minded, it just means you're happy.