Alfredo as a Child: What are you doing?
Olmo as a Child: I'm screwing the earth.
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: I love the smell of earth!
Olmo Dalco: That's dried shit.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Where's my father's gun?
Olmo Dalco: I have hidden it.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: You'd better be careful. If you don't use it, it gets rusty.
Attila Mellanchini: Alfredo Berlinghieri, you, and all parasites, will pay the bill for the Fascist revolution. And the bill will not be cheap. The bill will not be cheap. Everybody will pay! Everybody, rich and poor, gentry and peasant, they will pay with money and land and bread and cows and cheese and blood and shit!
Alfredo Berlinghieri: [in the cowshed] My grandfather hanged himself in here, you know.
Attila Mellanchini: Never bite the hand that feeds you. As long you need to be fed.
Attila Mellanchini: You're not allowed in here.
Olmo Dalco: Get away.
Attila Mellanchini: You don't learn easy, do you boy? You don't listen, do you?
Olmo Dalco: Get away!
Attila Mellanchini: You've been told a hundred times you're not allowed in here!
[Grabs Olmo and shouts]
Attila Mellanchini: Don't you push me! Somebody's gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget!
Olmo Dalco: This is my bride-trap.
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: Have you caught any brides?
Olmo Dalco: You're the first one.
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: I don't need this anymore!
[pours wine over Regina's head]
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: I baptize you: Regina, queen of the bitches!
Alfredo Berlinghieri: I don't want anything to change from the way we are now!
Olmo Dalco: [to Alfredo] You are the Padroné now. So send Attila away from here. Send him away, Alfredo!
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: [indicates their servants] They are all related?
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Yes. A whole family of Dalco's. They've been working this land for generations.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: [all three are lying naked in bed: Alfredo takes a glass of wine] Drink some wine, eh?
Neve: [pushes the glass away] No, please, no.
Olmo Dalco: [looks annoyed at Alfredo's persistence] She doesn't want it.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: [forces the wine into her mouth] Drink, you little whore.
[Neve swallows, but soon goes into a seizure]
Alfredo Berlinghieri: What the-?
Olmo Dalco: [realization appears on his face] Oh no, she's an epileptic!
Alfredo's Grandfather: [speaking to a young dairy girl] Go to the dance, and tell them that the Padroné is dead. Tell them that, and enjoy the dance.
Olmo Dalco: [leading a procession with Anita down a street in the early morning] Wake up! Wake up and come out!
Anita: [announcing the deaths of seven elderly Communists by arson] All of them murdered by the Fascists! Murdered by the Fascists!
Attila Mellanchini: That's not a pussycat, that's a communist!
Regina: Do you know how to play the wedding game?
Attila Mellanchini: [attempts to organize the women] All of you back to work!
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: Oh, look ladies, it's the rooster, come to shepherd the hens again! Cluck, rooster, cluck!
[leads women in throwing straw at a bemused Attila]
Man: I know who killed the boy.
Olmo Dalco: What? Who?
Man: I saw from a distance who it was.
Olmo Dalco: [intensely interested] Who was it!
Man: [walks away, starting to ramble] I walk all day, I speak to all...
Olmo Dalco: All those years in jail for nothing!
Alfredo Berlinghieri: What the hell gives you the right to act like a missionary?
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: [Weaves drunkenly towards an irate Alfredo] I know why you don't want me to drink. It's because when I drink it gives me the call to tell you the truth! You are different, you have changed. You are surrounded by terrible, vulgar, arrogant bullies, murderers... and you are even worse than they are!
Alfredo Berlinghieri: November is the cruelest month of the year.
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: [Ada is drinking excessively in a small pub] Merry Christmas.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: [Knocks her drink out her hand] You know how long I've been looking for you?
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Signora Berlinghieri can no longer drink at home because the wine is locked away. She can no longer drink in smart cafes because her husband has given orders against it. So she drinks in taverns.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: [Quiet but furious] I'm going to have you locked up in an asylum.
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: [Crawls under the table] I can drink here! I can even fall under the table. Nobody sees me anyway.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Get up from there. Get up. You look disgusting. Your face is all swollen from the alcohol, you stink. Get up!
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: [Wanders to other people in the tavern] Do I disgust you too? Am I swollen? Do I stink?
Neve: [Runs into a screaming couple] Fighting eh? Lucky you. I guess you love each other.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: [Had just accused Olmo of hiding his wife] I'm sorry, I don't know what's the matter with me. I don't know, I'm not feeling well, I think I have a heart condition.
[Grabs his hand]
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Feel my heart.
Olmo Dalco: [Knocks him away] What heart? You're just sick in the head!
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Maybe you're right. I don't know, I'm going crazy. Ada's gone and I can't find her.
Olmo Dalco: And you come looking for her in my bed?
Regina: [Captured by the peasants who she had previously helped oppress] Can you show no pity?
Alfredo Berlinghieri: You slut. You like fooling around with everyone. Even Olmo.
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: [Mocking] Olmo? What an imagination.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Is it my imagination to have seen you together? That I've seen you with him before? Is it my imagination that I smell him on you?
Ada Fiastri Paulhan: [Yells] You think Olmo would have anything to do with the wife of a *fascist*?
Alfredo Berlinghieri: [Screams] Fascist? I am not a fascist! If you call me that again I will kill you! If I see you with him again I will kill you!
[last lines]
Alfredo Berlinghieri: The Padrone's alive.
Giovanni Berlinghieri: [after a big hailstorm] What's happened? Lost your tongue, have you? Go head, tell them! How much grain have we lost? Tell them!
Leo Dalcò: Half.
Giovanni Berlinghieri: So, it's simple-you'll have to be satisfied with half pay. Take it or leave it.
Peasant: When we harvest double we don't get double pay.
Giovanni Berlinghieri: If I were to be honest, if I were to look after my interests alone, I should ditch you, fire the lot of you! Especially all you day laborers. And if you here weren't such an ignorant bunch, you would thank me! Because the one making the biggest sacrifice is me. What's the problem, anyway? Who gives the orders here? Who's the padrone? Hey you!
[points to the Peasant]
Giovanni Berlinghieri: We've lost nearly everything, didn't you hear? And yet, your ears are both big enough!
[the Peasant cuts off one of his ears and hands it to him]
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Long live Stalin!
[repeated line]
Alfredo Berlinghieri the Elder: Milk and shit.
Attila Mellanchini: Signor Alfredo, together we salute you and your bride.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Get off the table.
Leo Dalcò: You are a lucky boy, Olmo. You are.
Olmo as a Child: Why?
Leo Dalcò: Why? It took me 73 years to see an landlord working.
Regina: Make me cum. Make me cum. Make me cum.
Alfredo Berlinghieri: Come on, you can't cum. An elephant couldn't make you cum.
Leo Dalcò: Maybe the truth is that when a man does nothing all his life, it leaves him too much time to think. And thinking too much makes him... makes him stupid.
[first lines]
Shepherd: The war is over!
Milo 2022-03-24 09:03:36
The 315-minute epic movie is finally over. The process is not pleasant, but there is always joy. But it's not always a climax for such a long time. The lives of two little people spanned more than half a century. The joys and sorrows in the middle are really not enough for outsiders to understand
Nannie 2022-03-25 09:01:21
After experiencing the vicissitudes of life, I know that the world is hard to change.