Extended Reading
  • Clemens 2022-09-04 15:01:53

    Although Connery only wore a pair of red shorts, 'Sardus' was actually serious

    In the selection of some of the worst looks in film history, the first-generation James Bond actor and handsome British old man Sean Connery is often on the list. Of course, it wasn't 007's gentleman look or the later images of those who got older and more supportive, but what caught the eye was...

  • Aidan 2022-09-04 09:46:10

    commemorate childhood

    I haven't seen this movie for a long time. This movie brought an unimaginable shock to my childhood. It is still fresh in my memory to this day. It is probably written that a character similar to a savage played by Sean broke in. A place similar to Utopia.
    1. In Utopia, there is only life but not...

Zardoz quotes

  • Arthur Frayn: You see, our death-wish was devious, and deep. As Zardoz, Zed, I was able to choose your forefathers! It was careful genetic breeding that produced this mutant - this slave who could free his masters! And Friend was my accomplice! Don't you remember the man in the library, Zed?

    [a chime is heard]

    Arthur Frayn: It was I who led you to the 'Wizard of Oz' book! Ha-hah, it was I who gave you access to the Stone! It was I!

    [a chime is heard]

    Arthur Frayn: I bred you! I led you!

    Zed: And I have looked into the face of the force that put the idea in your mind. You are bred, and led, yourself.

    [He strides away, and Friend advances to join Arthur]

    Friend: Arthur! We've all been used!

    Arthur Frayn: And re-used.

    Friend: And abused!

    Arthur Frayn: And amused!

  • Zed: What is it you want?

    Friend: Sweet death. Oblivion.

    Zed: For yourself, or for the whole Vortex?

    Friend: For Everybody. An end to the human race. It has plagued this pretty planet for far too long.

    Zed: You stink of despair. Fight back! Fight for death, if that's what you want.

    Friend: I thought at first you were the one to help. But it's hopeless. All my powers have gone.

    Zed: Where is it? The Tabernacle?

    Friend: The Tabernacle... is... I can't remember!

    Zed: Who made it? Someone must know how to break it.

    Friend: Yes, but you can meet him for yourself! One of our founders, one of the geniuses who discovered immortality.

    [Friend goes to the bed of the Old Scientist and, rousing him noisily, shouts]

    Friend: We want to die! Hm? What - what's the trick?

    Old Scientist: [feebly] Death... death... Talk to May! May!