Clay 2022-01-26 08:12:11
Van Helsing
2021-3-16 Van Helsing millet box
Victor made monsters in vampire Dracula's castle to fight God with science Vampires want to use monsters Rejected by Victor The sword Victor was killed The monster took Victor's body and fled to the windmill and shouted at the crowd Why did humans throw torches to...
Barton 2022-04-19 09:01:32
The big boss is always much more gentle and elegant than Van Helsing, very charming~~
This movie has been down for a long time, because I don't like the vampire theme, so I never want to watch it.
I took a look today, wow, it's actually Hugh Jackman starring, so sexy, I regret watching it so late.
I had absolutely no feelings for the heroine, I was in a good mood when she died.
Tremaine 2022-03-24 09:01:28
I want to hit three stars. . A little more connotation will be fine. Vampires are the weak underbelly~so add a star on the subject for free. . Oops
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Count Vladislaus Dracula: [attacked by Van Helsing, as a werewolf] Don't you understand? We could be friends! Partners! Brothers-in-arms!
Count Vladislaus Dracula: All I wanted was life, Gabriel. The continuation of my kind.
[Dracula holds up his left hand, his ring finger has long ago been cut off]
Count Vladislaus Dracula: And perhaps also, the return of my ring.