Andrew 2022-01-16 08:01:11
Three Brazilian boys change the "destiny" of Brazilian politics
As soon as I saw the introduction of the co-production between the United States and Brazil, I remembered "Slumdog Millionaire". As expected, this film promotes the goodness of Americans and the noble salvation spirit of white people. I am now in a mainstream white society, and to be honest, I...
Jade 2022-01-16 08:01:11
Do the right thing
Every time I watch a Brazilian movie, I feel very happy. Because although Brazil is messy, socially divided, and politicians are corrupt, we can always see the enthusiastic samba under this appearance.
Why these people, living in such miserable conditions, can still be so sunny, why these...
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Carlos' partner: Dear Sir, I haven't written in a long time, but I think of you always. I have something important to tell you, in the words you once spoke to me: Soon, the devil who put you behind bars will be chained, his corruption and lies all exposed. Your struggle was not in vain. I promise. Santos will be finished and, God willing, he is only the first domino to fall. Your fight against the corruption that destroyed our dream for justice goes on. Even now people flood the streets, fanning the flames of hope that you helped ignite. Change is coming. But with joy comes sorrow. If you are reading this, it means I've been taken. And they will not be merciful. But the dream you passed to me is passed to new generations. I'm sorry for being a burden - you have suffered so much already. This letter has the secret - it seals our enemy's fate. Do what must be done. I pray for you, and for my daughter Pia, and for all who fight for our people.