Extended Reading

The Thief and the Cobbler quotes

  • Chief Roofless: May I remind you gentlemen that when in doubt, consult the brigand's... book!

  • Princess Yum Yum: [referring to Tack] *Who* is this?

    Zigzag: O Greatest King of all the Earth, this lowball

    [uses cane to stop Tack from walking off]

    Zigzag: cobbler of no worth, attacked me in the square today! Shall we take his head away?

    King Nod: [waking up] What? No, no, if you really think so, Zigzag.

    Princess Yum Yum: But what has he done?

    Zigzag: [takes tack from Tack's mouth] A*ttacked* me!

    Princess Yum Yum: *Really*?

    Zigzag: [hisses] Yes!