Keyshawn 2022-07-26 23:52:46
Happy Ending
Today will
I finished watching the first season, and the final ending was a happy Christmas company party, and I saw it on the third day of the new year. The most interesting thing about is the truth, unlike the American TV show, my favorite character is Tim, honestly I hate the name, Tim... -
Rogelio 2022-07-26 22:55:39
Tim says
First of all, I want to say that the high score of 9.4 on IMDB is definitely not a fake. . .
Indeed, among the main men and women in this office, Tim is the most normal one. Although he would also mischievously freeze G's office supplies in jelly, and laugh at G with Dawn, and lock G, who...
Gareth: I'm not homophobic, all right? Come around, look at my C.D collection. You'll find Queen, George Michael, Pet Shop Boys. They're all bummers.
David Brent: How old would you say I was, if you didn't know me?
Employee: Forty?
David Brent: No, how old do you think I look?
Employee: Ummm... thirty-nine?
David Brent: Most people think I look about thirty.
Employee: Definitely not.
David Brent: Oh, are you calling them liars? How old do YOU think I look?
Oliver: Between thirty and forty?
David Brent: Yes. More honest.