Libby 2021-10-20 17:44:24
Tear-resistant comedy
I've already vomited the word "feelings" in the title, but nostalgia and the signs of the times are indeed the selling points of this film. Domestic audiences may not have a deep perception, but many middle-aged and elderly American audiences should have tears in their eyes...
As a...
Jerrell 2022-03-22 09:01:20
Lolita loves uncle, Commander Gao is stupid and handsome
It is very popular in Cannes, and a few friends I know all want to watch it, but I am a little disappointed in my preference.
The following is a spoiler. The film tells the story of a simple-minded private detective Commander High and his eccentric daughter encounter a violent and strange uncle,...
Joana 2022-04-22 07:01:04
Gosling is actually very suitable for such a role
Adolphus 2021-10-20 19:02:27
It's actually a very romantic movie, and the hippies (made a short movie) save the world. Commander High and Crow are so good, please play more comedies in the future! "You fxxxed up little hippie!!"?
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