Johnson 2022-03-25 09:01:09
To an old man whom I missed a chance to tell him that I love him
The bigger the more impetuous, I like double speed, fast forward, I seem to like to waste time doing meaningless garbage, but at a certain moment, it is like gold. I've forgotten why I marked this movie as pending, is it because I too had a grandpa with Alzheimer's? Or is it because the actor is so...
Johnathan 2022-03-23 09:02:01
Through the film, preview the future
I recommend everyone to watch this film, whether they are young or aging. After all, we all get old, and after all, our parents get old too.
This film is not entertainment. Although there is warmth and a little comfort, it is not a healing film. It actually presents a part of reality in the form of...
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The Woman: First... we'll get dressed, shall we?
Anthony: Yes.
The Woman: We'll get dressed, and then we'll go for a walk in the park, shall we?
Anthony: Yes.
The Woman: Good. The trees and all the leaves. Then we'll come back here, and we'll have something to eat. And then you can have your siesta, all right? And then if you're feeling on good form, we can go for another little walk in the park. ust the two of us. Because it's such a lovely day. It's sunny outside. And we have to go while it's sunny. We have to take that chance. 'Cause it never lasts long when the weather's this good, does it?
Anthony: No.
The Woman: So... let's get dressed. Is that all right?
Anthony: No.
The Woman: Come on now.
Anthony: No.
The Woman: Come on, baby. It's all right. Come on... Shh. Easy now. Easy. You're going to feel all right in a minute, I promise you. Everything will be all right.
Anthony: World is turning.