Extended Reading

The Double quotes

  • Paul Shepherdson: Spooks aren't supposed to be creatures of habit.

  • Ben Geary: How did I miss it, Paul? How did I miss it? The entire time, Cassius was right next to me!

    Paul Shepherdson: Put the gun down, Geary!

    Ben Geary: What, I'm supposed to trust you now?

    Paul Shepherdson: Yeah. Let's talk about trust.

    [holding up the crossword puzzle]

    Paul Shepherdson: Five down! Cassius. Seventy across, Yepatb. "Eliminated". Thirty-two down, Bolxoh. "Exit". This is thirty year old Soviet code. So, how old were you when... when your family came over here? What were you, about ten? Ten? You never had a choice, did you? So then you wrote a thesis that couldn't be ignored. The FBI came after you, they signed you up. You even started a family. You started a real family! To make it stick. You've been a double your whole life.

    [in Russian]

    Paul Shepherdson: When did they activate you?

    Ben Geary: [in Russian] A year ago. I was to make the landscape safe for our new arrivals.

    Paul Shepherdson: [in English] You cut the Senator's neck because you knew you were the expert who could convince the Americans it was Cassius who did it.

    Ben Geary: [in English] An investigation would flush Cassius out. My orders are to kill you and return to Moscow.