Extended Reading
  • Teresa 2022-04-19 09:01:14

    I must take care of you.

    I just finished the season2, and was shocked by the ending. I have to say I am too impatient to wait to watch the following seasons.
    I love Dean. Because of his sense of responsibility to his brother, he said he had to take care of him and he said without him he couldn't live.I think his love to...

  • Mauricio 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Moderate horror movie

    (Two brothers. Two handsome brothers.
      If you read the above two sentences, you will be full of enthusiasm and can't help yourself...
      Come on, shake hands with the same feeling, and then we return to the topic.)

    The first feeling that Supernatural gave me is: It's finally true!
    No way, Medium...

  • Willis 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    Eh. I don't know why I keep watching. It's the quality of childhood trama and cw again.

  • Darrion 2022-04-23 07:01:10

    I can't watch it anymore~ It's too procrastinating. After watching S1E1 3 times, I finally had the patience to finish it. I didn't finish 1Se2, I fell asleep~

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Supernatural quotes

  • Lucifer: Why not just serve your own best interests? Which in this case just happen to be mine?

  • Lucifer: Sorry if it's a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It's actually quite the opposite.

    Dean Winchester: Well, I'll alert the media.