Dianna 2022-04-21 09:01:08
The Big Bang Theory
On the bus to see the movie, I asked the girl who was going with a Vulcan gesture, which movie is this from? She looked blank, and I continued to ask, it's the gesture they often make in "The Big Bang Theory", which movie is it from? She continued to be at a loss. The girl standing with her back to...
Winnifred 2022-03-22 09:01:06
Trek in the pale plot
Text/Mengli Shishu's
2009 "Star Trek" new generation original series under the leadership of J·J, let me see as another classic of the immortal series of "Star Trek" since 79 years, whether it is Trek Both the department and the war department have a special love for them, and they have...
Florine 2022-04-24 07:01:02
Pie suddenly got a lot older. Spark ><. but! At once! Yes! No! Have! steel! iron! Man! it is good!
Freddy 2021-10-20 19:00:04
As a stubborn fan, I have always been deeply puzzled that the crew members of the Enterprise were thrown out of their seats every time the USS Enterprise was attacked. Watching them thrown from 1979 to 2009, I thought it would be possible to install a seat belt on the seat. How difficult. This one finally saw the seat belt, and I was sincerely gratified.
Star Trek Into Darkness quotes
James T. Kirk: I'm scared, Spock... help me not to be... how do you choose not to feel?
Spock: I do not know. Right now, I am failing.
James T. Kirk: I wanted you to know why I couldn't let you die... why I went back for you...
Spock: Because you are my friend.
James T. Kirk: Why is there a man in that torpedo?
Khan: There are men and women in all those torpedoes, Captain. I put them there.
James T. Kirk: Who the hell are you?
Khan: A remnant of a time long past. Genetically engineered to be superior so as to lead others to peace in a world at war. But we were condemned as criminals, forced into exile. For centuries we slept, hoping when we awoke things would be different. But as a result of the destruction of Vulcan your Starfleet begun to aggressively search distant quadrants of space. My ship was found adrift. I alone was revived.
James T. Kirk: I looked up John Harrison. Until a year ago he didn't exist.
Khan: John Harrison was a fiction created the moment I was awoken by your Admiral Marcus to help him advance his cause, a smokescreen to conceal my true identity. My name is... KHAN.