Hilma 2022-07-26 16:11:23
Star Trek 7
At the end of the sixth part, Captain Kirk and his collective retired, and the seventh part is 78 years later, the original generation of actors will collectively leave everyone's sight.
From the very beginning of this movie, a spaceship simulating the real environment appeared. It is a... -
Freida 2022-07-26 20:48:18
[Series Completion Project] "Star Trek Seven: Star Trek"
The "Star Trek" series has finally ushered in an update. Although the older generations are classic characters that are worth remembering, after a long period of time, they are a bit tired. New actors and new roles bring freshness at the same time. Perhaps it can also inject new vitality into this...
Picard: Guinan, can I leave the Nexus?
Guinan: Where would you go?
Picard: I don't understand.
Guinan: Well, as I said, time has no meaning here. So if you leave, you can go anywhere, any time.
Picard: All right, I know exactly where I want to go. To the mountaintop on Veridian III just before Soran destroyed the star. I have to stop him, but I need help. Now, if you were to come back with me, together...
Guinan: I can't leave. I'm there already, remember? But I bet I know someone who can. And from his point of view, he just got here, too.
Picard: [cut to him approaching a cabin in the woods and seeing someone chopping wood] Kirk. James T. Kirk.
Kirk: Come on in. It's all right; it's my house. At least it used to be. I sold it years ago.
Picard: I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship... Enterprise.
Kirk: The clock.
[going to a clock on a mantelpiece]
Kirk: I gave this clock to Bones.
Picard: I'm from what you would consider the future, the 24th century.
Kirk: [hearing a bark and seeing a dog in the doorway] Butler!
[petting him]
Kirk: Butler. How can you be here? He's been dead seven years.
Antonia: [off-screen] Come on, Jim. I'm starving. How long are you gonna be rattling around in that kitchen?
Kirk: Antonia. What are you talking about? The future? This is the past. This is nine years ago.
[opening a box and taking out a gold horseshoe]
Kirk: The day I told her I was going back to Starfleet.
[going to the kitchen]
Kirk: These are Ktarian eggs, her favorite. I was preparing them to soften the blow.
Picard: I know how real this must seem to you, but it's not. This isn't really your house. We are, both of us, caught up in some kind of temporal nexus.
Kirk: [cracking the eggs into a skillet] Dill.
Picard: I beg your pardon?
Kirk: Dill weed. In the cabinet, second shelf to the left. Behind the oregano.