Dr. Ross: Tomorrow I want to see how she interacts with other marine life, then we'll be ready for the internal examination.
Walter Kornbluth: Internal examination?
Dr. Ross: Of course, I want to study her pulmonary system, reproductive organs, everything.
Walter Kornbluth: Doctor Ross, are we considering how the subject is responding to the examination procedures?
Dr. Ross: I'm considering everything.
Walter Kornbluth: Oh yes, I'm sure you are Doctor Ross. How stupid of me! But let me ask you this, are you considering the possibility that you might be a sadistic pig?
Dr. Ross: While we are baring our souls, Mr. Kornbluth, I must honestly tell you I have never considered you a man of science. You're not a member of my team. Run along, Walter. See if you can't find a unicorn.
Freddie: Look, if something works for me I stick with it.
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