Extended Reading
  • Jaclyn 2022-04-19 09:01:56

    If we do not get crazy now, we're going to grow old

    The richest man in the world is Bill Gates and the most loving person in the world is Mother Teresa.
    Mother Teresa is also a Nobel Peace Prize winner and has served the world's poor people throughout her life.

    A nun is a person whose soul has been married to God. Therefore, nuns cannot marry. They...

  • Trevor 2022-04-19 09:01:56

    nuns are crazy

    "-"Hi, baby. "
    —"What's the matter, my dear." "
    First imagine such a scene, a group of nuns interspersed back and forth like black butterflies in the crowd of a nightclub, followed by a few murderous mafia chasing after them. At this time, the mafia boss told a nun about the previous The lines....

  • Tyrel 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    The baby and baby's mother are not at home, and they dominate the TV when they have time to eat. It looked good before. This time, I found the plot to be a little rough, but the music is really good.

  • Ulises 2021-12-09 08:01:25

    The plot is simple and "cheesy", but I like the songs in it and I like this kind of warm and inspirational story

Sister Act quotes

  • Reverend Mother: Girl groups? Boogie-woogie on the piano? What were you thinking?

    Delores: I was thinkin' more like Vegas, y'know, get some butts in the seats.

    Reverend Mother: And what next? Popcorn? Curtain calls? This is not a theater or a casino.

    Delores: Yeah, but that's the problem. See, people like going to theaters, and they like going to casinos, but they don't like coming to church. Why? Because it's a drag. But we could change all that, see? We could pack this joint.

    Reverend Mother: Through blasphemy? You have corrupted the entire choir!

    [in the hall, Monsignor O'Hara enters]

    Monsignor O'Hara: Excuse me.

    [he listens to the argument between Delores and Reverend Mother]

    Delores: How can you say that? I worked my butt off with these women! They've given up their free time to do this, and they're GOOD! I mean, sister, we could, we could ROCK this place!

    Reverend Mother: OUT of the question! As of tomorrow, Mary Lazarus resumes her leadership of the choir.

    [Monsignor knocks on the door]

    Reverend Mother: COME IN!

  • Sister Mary Robert: Reverend Mother, I know you and Mary Clarence didn't always agree but we have to help her. Please.

    Sister Mary Patrick: We've gotta save her.

    Sister Mary Lazarus: We can't leave it up to the feds.