Extended Reading

Sharpe's Rifles quotes

  • Rifleman Hagman: Daniel Hagman, poacher.

    Richard Sharpe: You a good shot, then, Hagman?

    Rifleman Hagman: Aye, I can shoot, sir.

    Richard Sharpe: Go on, then. Show me.

    [He pulls a beret out of Hagman's belt, and tosses it into the air. Hagman fires his rifle. Sharpe picks up the beret and shows him the hole in it]

    Richard Sharpe: You've defaced the King's uniform, Hagman. I could put you up on a charge for that.

  • Rifleman Tongue: Isiah Tongue, sir!

    Richard Sharpe: Yes, I know that. Where you from, Tongue?

    Rifleman Tongue: [mumbling] No, sir...

    Richard Sharpe: Speak up, man!

    Rifleman Tongue: Don't know, sir!

    Richard Sharpe: What about your family?

    Rifleman Tongue: Don't know, sir!

    Richard Sharpe: Previous employment?

    Rifleman Tongue: Army, sir. Just army.