Extended Reading
  • Sincere 2022-03-27 08:01:01

    Walter, all you need is a crazy phone with dual SIM and dual standby!

    Walter, are you still regretting the unconscious sentence under anesthesia: which one? Do you want to save yourself the trouble of trying to hide your second phone? Do you want to be the most fashionable drug lord in New Mexico and the whole of Central and North America? All you need is it - a...

  • Pasquale 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    who moved my bell

    When the second episode of the second season
    first appeared, it was a familiar, confusing and rather gloomy picture. Sand, drift bottles, and broken parts everywhere, accompanied by the squeezing sound of the spring, once again slowed the viewer's heartbeat. Even viewers who haven't seen the...

  • Bertram 2022-03-27 09:01:23

    The tortoise carrying a human head crushed his husband to death with an ATM, and the famous lawyer Saul finally appeared. "Period, sorry. Haha" "I like people who don't abuse the constitution. Haha"

  • Emelie 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    The plot is getting better

Seven Thirty-Seven quotes

  • Hank Schrader: Yeah, I recognize these two knobjobs. Known associates of a psychotic piece of shit named Tuco Salamanca.

    Steven Gomez: Guess he got tired of associating.

  • Steven Gomez: APD sent this over. This was about eight or ten days ago. You know Southwest Aniline, right?

    Hank Schrader: Yeah, off the 25? The place smells like feet.

    Steven Gomez: This is them. Check this out.

    Hank Schrader: [watching the surveillance tape] Holy shit. What was that?

    Steven Gomez: Thermite. So they tell me. Burns about 5,000 degrees. Kind of stuff you see on a James Bond movie.

    Hank Schrader: Nice. Guys who know their trade.

    [watching the perps carrying a barrel]

    Hank Schrader: Ah, wait. I take that back.


    Hank Schrader: What, they didn't think about stealing a hand truck? Hey, try rolling it, morons. It's a barrel. It rolls. Jesus. So, what'd they get?

    Steven Gomez: Methylamine, 30 gallons.

    Hank Schrader: P2P? They're cooking old-school biker meth. Who the hell still does that?

    Steven Gomez: All the old timers I know are either dead or in prison.

    Hank Schrader: Pesudo's in short supply, so these two make do by changing the formula. That and the thermite, I'd say these two know their chemistry.

    Steven Gomez: But ranking them as burglars?

    Hank Schrader: [laughing again] Shit. I wouldn't trust these two to break into the Special Olympics. They got book learning but no street skills.

    Steven Gomez: Maybe they're college kids. Chem students trying to make a big score.

    Hank Schrader: Yeah, maybe. I tell you, 30 gallons of precursor... that big a score, they're gonna wind up stepping on some toes. I tell you what, they better pray it's us who catches up to 'em and not those boys from Juarez.