Thurman 2022-10-01 22:30:35
It's not skill, it's style
The chattering Italian, the occasional English subtitles are mixed with the occasional Chinese subtitles~~ I seriously doubt that the subtitles are created by translation software. Arrest is translated into "accusation", and confession is translated into "accusation"... The Chinese and English...
Jane 2022-06-13 21:10:32
[Film Review] Rome, Open City (1945) 8.6/10
In Roberto Rossellini's neorealism pièce-de-résistance ROME, OPEN CITY, melodrama and cinéma-vérité are magically blended together to elicit oceanic amazement and pathos, it is a panegyric of ordinary Italian citizens' bravery and heroism under Nazi occupation, and in an exceptional note, religious...
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Major Bergman: You clearly aim to harm the Reich and its armed forces.
Don Pietro: That wasn't exactly my aim.
Major Bergman: Then what would you call a man who not only provides refuge and forged documents to Italians plotting attacks on our soldiers but even shelters German deserters?
Don Pietro: A man who humbly seeks to practice charity.
Major Bergman: He's a traitor who must be punished, subject to the military law of the Reich.
Don Pietro: God will judge.
Major Bergman: How these Italians scream!