Aric 2022-03-22 09:01:15
"You give me money and then applaud"
a road musical comedy
Although I slept a few times, the music was great!
E is a person who likes to use hair oil. He said that his old house buried the money he stole, and P and D were tempted to escape with him. They spent the night at a relative's house, poor relatives betrayed them for a bounty,...
Mckenzie 2021-10-20 17:28:53
"No Extremely Tailor"
Destiny is so confusing even in the movie. The three criminals who escaped from under the eyes of the prison guards, their future life is like a swamp covered with dense fog—you don’t know where you stepped. Which step will make yourself swallowed by the swamp. And the moment you are...
Concepcion 2022-04-21 09:01:20
You shall enter by the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many who enter it; but narrow is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few find it
Carey 2022-03-25 09:01:05
About half of the laughter hit me. The black humor is really humorous and black == George Clooney is very eye-catching. Pete, what's wrong with you Pete! Compared to the plot, the soundtrack is even more impressive. The OST's tracks are all beautiful and fit the plot!
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O Brother, Where Art Thou? quotes
Pete: I've always wondered, what's the devil look like?
Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, there are all manner of lesser imps and demons, Pete, but the great Satan hisself is red and scaly with a bifurcated tail, and he carries a hay fork.
Tommy Johnson: Oh, no. No, sir. He's white, as white as you folks, with empty eyes and a big hollow voice. He likes to travel around with a mean old hound. That's right.
Tommy Johnson: I had to be up at that there crossroads last midnight, to sell my soul to the devil.
Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, ain't it a small world, spiritually speaking. Pete and Delmar just been baptized and saved. I guess I'm the only one that remains unaffiliated.