Pattie 2022-08-16 17:57:41
I think this story is very suitable for making movies, but the whole plot structure is a bit messy to me. At first I talked about the abduction of a rich girlfriend, and then suddenly the kidnapped girlfriend appeared alive, and it was not until later that I realized that this happened before. s...
Kacie 2022-08-16 19:03:17
Fragmented. . . Let's sort out the plot together. . .
First of all, the question of the boss played by Anthony Hopkins. .
Emiri is missing. . The boss hit people here with a ransom. . He was the art dealer who saw the protagonist's lawyer appear first and then immediately called. I thought I was going to frame a lawyer, but I didn't. What is the...
Abrams: You poked the bear. Now you woke him.
[first lines]
Reporter #1: Tonight, investigators are questioning the credibility of those clinical trials.
Woman #1: I'm very angry. I can't believe doctors could betray so many people.
Man #1: I was part of the initial test group for the drug Vypraxilin. And, I can say without a doubt it was probably the worst decision I've ever made in my life.
Man #2: These people knowingly put out inaccurate information and they were being selective in the facts about the case.
Woman #2: She looked at me and then collapsed. Her mouth filled with blood and... it was terrifying.
Reporter #2: In fact, an investigation by the fda found no evidence of false data from Pierson pharmaceuticals.
Reporter #3: This is the third death attributed to the medication, with many more claims surfacing each day.
Woman #3: They need to be held accountable.