Guillaume: Yes, yes, I think, I think we must be different from our parents. My father, for example, fought very hard against the Germans during the war, and now he runs a Club Med resort. You know, those big holiday condos by the sea. And the terrible thing is that he just can't figure out that they are made with exactly, exactly the same layout as the concentration camps.
Yvonne: To Paris? I arrived in '60... no, '65... oh yes... '64, sorry. Cleaning... for three years. Yes, sure it's good here on the top floor, and the light, it's clear. You know, I worked in Passy before and then in Auteuil. It was in bourgeois apartments, very large apartments then, which were on the first floor, they were usually very dark. I had to sweep in darkness. I entered the metro when it was already dark. I returned very late. And then it was always black. When coming back in the evening, it was dark on the metro. So here people discuss and talk. It's very clear to me.
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