Ashtyn 2022-04-22 07:01:02
artificial intelligence
When a woman abroad recently asked the Amazon smart assistant at home some questions about heartbeat, the Amazon smart assistant actually replied that heartbeat is a very bad thing for us. In the end, this smart assistant was returned to the factory for repair due to bugs. Seeing such a message on...
Ashleigh 2021-10-13 13:05:36
I, Robot
I want to come to the BS first about the translation of "Machine Public Enemy". Does it mean that the same Will Smith must be related to "Public Enemy"? Secondly, I would like to give a big compliment to this movie. I haven't seen such a cool science fiction movie for a long time. I...
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Lawrence Robertson: Well, we both know you're not here on police business.
Detective Del Spooner: No, I'm just a regular 6'2", 200lb civilian...
[sweeps objects off Robertson's desk]
Detective Del Spooner: here to kick another civilian's ass.
Lawrence Robertson: [the guards try to restraint Spooner] STOP, allow him to express himself.
Farber: [after an NS5 robot grabs Spooner] Spoon, watch out, man!
Detective Del Spooner: [sarcastically] Thanks a lot, Farber.