Extended Reading

I, Robot quotes

  • Lt. John Bergin: [Spooner is watching a video of Lanning's speech at the station] Tell me this isn't the robot case.

    Detective Del Spooner: I think he's trying to tell me something, John. He's trying to tell me who killed him.

    Lt. John Bergin: Come on, man. Some dead guy's trying to tell you something?

    Detective Del Spooner: [repeating Calvin's line] Hey! He ain't just some dead guy.

  • [scene at the automated Robot warehouse; 1000 robots standing in a formation]

    Susan Calvin: Attention, NS-5s.

    [their eyes open]

    Detective Del Spooner: Well, you're the robot shrink.

    Susan Calvin: There is a robot in this formation that does not belong. Identify it.

    NS5 Robots: One of us.

    Susan Calvin: Which one?

    NS5 Robots: One of us.

    Detective Del Spooner: [with sarcasm] How much did you say these things cost?