Audie 2021-12-31 08:03:06
Return to the dust and mist
Seeing the end, my heart seemed to be shrunk by a heavy blow, extremely depressed. I think what caused the tragedy was not hope, but Casey's obsession. She claimed that she was not addicted to alcohol, but in fact she was addicted to the nostalgia for her past life and couldn't help herself. The...
Alexanne 2022-03-23 09:02:18
talking to oneself
Some dreams are not allowed to be shared with others...
Today, I finally deeply understand the meaning of this sentence. I have always had such a dream since Yasuzuki. However, this "luxurious" dream cannot be blessed by anyone, nor can it be shared with anyone. A little touch is a big, big hurt. I...
Lia 2022-04-20 09:01:55
There is a reason why Connelly is mentioned in his entire life. There are problems in the acting and acting skills. If it is not for the acting skills of the Iranian family, the whole film is so evil and meaningless. It would be difficult for people to watch the end
Sarina 2021-12-31 08:03:06
Three and a half years, the three parties jointly contributed to the tragedy, but the three characters are relatively simple in shaping, especially the role of the police is basically a nerve, so the traces of the plot and the art are too heavy. It is said that I still wanted to go to Oscar.
Nadi: [to Massoud, in Farsi] I didn't come to America to live and walk the streets like a filthy Arab! I came to America to LIVE!
Behrani: [to Kathy] You think you can frighten me? You think you can frighten me with your stupid deputy coming here telling me lies?
[Grabs Kathy by the arm and frog-marches her down the path]
Behrani: What do you think I am? Tell me that. Am I stupid? You think I'm stupid?
Nadi: [Following them] Don't!
Behrani: In my country, you're not worthy to raise your eyes to me. You're nothing! And you can tell your deputy friend his superior officers know everything!
[Opens Kathy's car and shoves her inside the driver's seat, banging her head]
Behrani: You tell him that! This is our home!
Kathy: Please...
Behrani: OUR HOME!
Nadi: [In Farsi] Leave her alone! That's enough!
[In English]
Nadi: Please, stop! Please, to stop, Behrani!
[Kathy drives off. Massoud glares at Nadi]