Madelyn 2022-03-20 08:01:36
hell is singing
A secret armed organization that suppresses evil spirits, kicked off by the encounter of a little girl and an immortal man in a cellar --
this animation is actually rough, but the story is good, it feels like a good setting but not enough development is required. The opening animation is amazing!
I... -
Jeremie 2022-03-20 08:01:36
an ugly boutique
In fact, it is not close at all to perfection, and the plot is very simple. However, in terms of actions and characters, it is still excellent, and it is just an artistic conception...
The rough picture is nothing to say, it is really ordinary, and it makes us feel The beautiful Miss Hellsing is...
Carmelo 2022-04-23 07:05:31
After dinner, I watched it at 3:00 in the morning, but I got out of control after watching OVA... continue
Raleigh 2022-04-23 07:05:31
If it weren't for only thirteen episodes, I guess I wouldn't be able to watch it and I wouldn't want to chase OVA anymore. "I really am a woman / I don't think this music is bad.
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